Cervical dysplasia is a condition in which abnormal cells grow on the surface lining of the cervix. If left untreated, there is a higher chance of it developing into cervical cancer. Cervical dysplasia is also known as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or CIN. Schedule an appointment with the best GYN in East New York at Doral Health and Wellness – Women’s Health Center. 

Cervical dysplasia has 3 classifications based on how abnormal cells can become cancerous. They are classified on a scale from one to three: 

  • CIN 1 – refers to the abnormal cells affecting one-third of the thickness of the epithelium. This type of cervical dysplasia rarely becomes cancerous 
  • CIN 2 – refers to the abnormal cells affecting one-third to two-thirds of the thickness of the epithelium. This type more likely needs treatment to prevent cancer 
  • CIN 3 – refers to the abnormal cells affecting more than two-thirds of the thickness of the epithelium. Just like CIN 2, this type also requires treatment to prevent cancer 



Cervical dysplasia doesn’t usually cause symptoms. This is diagnosed by your healthcare provider or your gynecologist through a Pap smear test. That is why it is especially important to get screened regularly to diagnose cervical cancer early.  



The cells on your cervix can change over time which means a woman can develop cervical dysplasia at almost any age. But there are several factors that can increase your risk of having cervical dysplasia, which can include: 

  • Having a numerous number of sexual partners 
  • Becoming sexually active at an early age, usually before 18 
  • Having a sexual partner who has multiple sex partner 
  • Not getting an HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine 



Treatment for cervical dysplasia will depend on the degree of abnormal cells found in your cervix. Although most mild cases will clear up without the need for treatment. For moderate to severe cervical dysplasia, treatment options can include: 

  • Cryosurgery to freeze off the abnormal cervical tissues 
  • LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure) to burn off the abnormal cells  
  • Surgery to remove the abnormal cells with laser and scalpel 
  • In rare cases, a hysterectomy is needed to fully remove the cervix 

Early diagnosis and prompt treatment can cure most cases of cervical dysplasia. But the best way to reduce the risk of cervical dysplasia is to get HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine. If you have HPV, you are likely to develop cervical dysplasia but not necessarily. It is still unknown why some people develop cervical dysplasia after having HPV while others don’t. Talk to your medical provider or gynecologist to further discuss the proper diagnosis and treatment plan. 

  At Doral Health and Wellness – Women’s Health Center, we have the best GYN doctor in East New York, and we provide women with quality healthcare services. To schedule an appointment, you can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11212, or call us on 1-347-384-5690 or or 347-955-3465. You can also visit our website to book an appointment online at https://doralhw.org or contact us at info@mainwebsite.dialysisny.com if you have any queries.