The bones in the feet that are long are known as the metatarsal bones, which connect to the toe bones, and are operated on during a technique known as metatarsal surgery. It is usually performed on the first metatarsal bone at the back of the big toe and is typically done to repair a bunion deformity. The most common reason for operation on the second to fifth metatarsal bones is to repair ulcers or calluses at the bottom of the foot. At Doral Health & Wellness, you can reach a physician at any hour of the day or night. Your foot and ankle issues can always be treated by a Podiatrist in Brownsville. Podiatrists are medical professionals with a focus on treating issues involving the lower extremities. They are experts in treating wounds and performing surgeries on the lower extremities. If you have diabetes and have been having foot pain, a diabetic foot doctor is here to help. 

Indications for Surgical Treatment of the Metatarsal 

  • Metatarsal surgery can correct more than just a bunion deformity 
  • Diabetic foot ulcers can result from excessive pressure 
  • As a result of the extra pressure caused by the misalignment of metatarsal bones, injury (fracture) or calluses may develop 
  • Arthritis rheumatica 

Possible Dangers and Complications 

Among the potential dangers and risks of metatarsal surgery are: 

  • Ossification failure occurs when bone tissue fails to form. 
  • Surgical site infection or bone infection 
  • Creating new calluses 
  • Metatarsal fractures from the strain 
  • Ankle and foot swelling 

Getting Ready for a Metatarsalectomy 

  • Adherence to preoperative guidelines decreases the risk of problems and boosts patient outcomes 
  • If you want to keep your blood loss to a minimum during surgery, stop using pain relievers and other anti-inflammatory drugs a week before the procedure 
  • It’s important to ask your doctor about the potential outcomes and side effects of the operation 
  • Tell your surgeon if you develop a fever or an infection after surgery 
  • Eliminate potential risk factors for infection and slowed recoveries, such as smoking and alcohol use 
  • Don baggy shorts or pants to feel at ease 
  • Don’t have anything to eat or drink starting six hours before your surgery 

Method of Operating on the Metatarsal 

As directed, please lie flat on your back. Following the administration of anesthesia, a little incision is created close to the metatarsal bone that will be removed. The metatarsal bone is removed via the incision. Then, a bolt or metallic pin is used to lift or move it into proper alignment. Metatarsal bones that have been broken are often straightened and screwed into place for stability. Following this, stitches are used to close the wound. The plantar aspect of the foot’s callus is also removed in some circumstances. Afterward, the surgeon will wrap your foot. To further ensure safety, a cast or protective shoe is also used. 

Rehabilitation After a Metatarsal Fracture 

Crutches will be provided so that you can support your weight other than on your injured foot. There will be no need to worry about finding pain relief because it will be delivered. To avoid infection, you should take good care of your incisions and stitches by keeping them dry and clean. Rest with your foot elevated above your heart for at least one week. 

The diagnosis made by the Podiatrist at Doral Health & Wellness is one you can trust because of the practitioner’s extensive background in the field. Multiple factors can cause muscular and skeletal fragility in the foot. Only in dire circumstances should you seek out the care of the Foot Doctor in Brooklyn. If you have hurt your foot or ankle, especially if the damage is serious, you should make an appointment to see a Podiatrist in Brownsville as a way. If you’re in the area, you can find Doral Health & Wellness at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212. To make an appointment, call 1-347-384-5690 or visit