Life is a journey that gives you lots of ups and downs. When you’re living your downs, you feel like the end of the world. And that’s the moment, where you get the thought of killing yourself. Let’s make one thing clear, suicide is never going to solve anything. And in today’s world, this has become a genuine problem. The suicide rate is at its peak. It is more found in middle-aged men rather than women. In 2020, men’s suicide rate is 3.88 times more than women. That means that on an average day, 130 suicides happen daily. 

The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) organizes, and the World Health Organization (WHO) endorses World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD), which is observed annually on September 10th. 

Suicide is becoming a very serious issue in today’s world. Every year more than 700,000 people commit suicide. It is the fourth leading cause of death among 15 to 19-year-old kids. 77% of suicides that happen globally occur in lower and middle-class populations.  

Suicide can be defined as the want or needs to kill oneself due to some serious life issue or problem that he/she thinks they can’t cope with. The reason behind suicide can be social, psychological, or economic. But it mostly happens if the person is suffering from any mental conditions such as depression, stress, substance use, psychosis, etc. are the biggest risk factors that contribute to suicidal thinking.
So, it is important to note the signs and give them immediate help to prevent suicide. These mental health conditions can be treated by creating mental awareness through several therapies. 

Risk factors 

Several causes can make a person want to kill himself/herself, like- a person might be dealing with a financial or relationship crisis that damages his/her ability to deal with stress or chronic pain and illness making him/her believe that the best option is to give up on life. 

  • People who use substances such as drugs or alcohol to deal with stress, anxiety, and depression are more likely to commit suicide when they are not able to get those.  
  • Mental disorders such as chronic stress, depression, psychosis, etc. might be the reason behind their suicide.  
  • In addition, people who experience discrimination, conflict, violence, abuse, and loneliness are also associated with suicidal behaviors.  

Warning signs  

These are the signs you notice in people who can attempt suicide: 

  • You hear these kinds of statements like “It will be better if I’m not around, no one wants me, I better be dead, maybe I shouldn’t be around,” etc.  
  • Hopelessness and helpless expressions on their face all the time.  
  • Previous suicide attempts 
  • Personality changes  
  • Risk-taking behavior even at the cost of losing body parts or severe body damage. 
  • Depression 
  • Start living in isolation  
  • Give away their valuable possessions 
  • Loss of interest in making future plans 

Understand that, if a person shows one of these signs that doesn’t mean he/she wants to end their life, but it is a signal that you should not ignore.  

And remember that, 8 out of 10 people give signs that can indicate their intentions. So, whenever you get that feeling from a person you should talk to that person or seek immediate help for them. If a person is suffering from any mental condition, take them to a psychiatrist or doctor who treats them. 


You can prevent suicide from happening. There are several ways that you can help that person. These are the steps you should follow to prevent suicide, including:  

  • Trust your instincts if you think the person is trying to attempt suicide. 
  • Try to talk with that person. Listen to his/her concerns. Communication helps to change his/her thinking.  
  • Ask direct questions about their plans without judging them. Determine the ways he/she wants to execute his suicide. More specific details help to prevent suicide. 
  • Get professional help, to stop him/her. Even if he/she tries to resist you.  
  • Don’t leave them alone. Because they try to escape from you to make a suicide attempt.  
  • Do not keep it a secret. He/she might promise you that he/she won’t do it. But don’t take any chances.  
  • Don’t act shocked or judgmental in front of them. They might feel humiliated by that, so act calmly. 
  • Don’t give counseling to them. Because they are not going to listen. Instead, try to take them to a professional for help.  
  • Limit access to things that can be used for suicide such as harmful chemicals, firearms, certain medications, etc.  
  • If you note the signs of mental health conditions, give them the medications that are prescribed by the doctor or take them to visit the doctor. Therapies like talk therapy, family therapy, or group therapy are very helpful to change their thoughts and give them a chance to start taking life with a better perspective.  
  • Teach them about how to control their emotions and maintain a social life.  

Suicide is a very serious mental health problem that should not be ignored. Losing a person not only affects his/her family or friends but affects the whole nation. So, we must never ignore the warning signs that someone gives us. Understand those signs and get professional help to make sure you save someone’s life.  

Want to know how to deal with a person who has suicidal thoughts?

At Doral Health and Wellness, we have doctors that can help you manage your condition. For more information, you can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, 11212, or call us at 1-347-384-5690. You can also visit our website at or contact us at if you have any queries.