Are you suffering from frequent urination and extreme thirst? You’ve probably developed an antidiuretic hormone (ADH) imbalance (ADH helps the kidneys to regulate fluids in the body). If you do not treat this hormonal condition, you might develop serious complications such as kidney damage, electrolyte imbalances, dehydration, etc. In rare cases, it might be life-threatening.
To avoid these complications, you must take ADH testing to diagnose your problem. Keep reading this article to learn about ADH testing.
ADH or vasopressin hormone is produced by the hypothalamus of your brain and stored and released in the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. This hormone instructs the kidneys to store water and salt in the body.
If you develop an imbalance of this hormone, you develop extreme levels of thirst and frequent urination. You should get your condition diagnosed by ADH testing from the doctor.
Why do we need ADH testing?
ADH testing helps to determine the root cause of your problems to get treatment for your condition.
This test helps to diagnose these conditions, including:
- ADH imbalances (Deficiency or excess amount of ADH in the body).
- Fluid retention
- Electrolyte imbalances
- Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIDAH)
- Diabetes insipidus. It gives some indication of what type of diabetes insipidus you have.
- Low ADH can be found in central diabetes insipidus
- High ADH can be found in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
But to confirm the doctors might need to run a combination of tests.
Although, this test alone does not indicate the specific problem. Because low or elevated levels of ADH can be acute or chronic or may be due to any infection, injury, inherited conditions, diseases, or trauma.
This test is performed by taking a blood sample from your vein. But before taking this test you need to avoid things that affect the ADH levels, including:
- Alcohol
- Diuretic pills
- Blood pressure medicines
- Insulin
- Nicotine
- Steroids
- Morphine
- Lithium
Types of Testing
ADH testing does not always indicate the cause or disease you are suffering from. To make it effective there are two or more tests, including:
- Water deprivation ADH stimulation test
- Water loading test
- Anosmolity test or urine test
- Electrolytes screening test
- Water deprivation ADH stimulation test: This test is performed under medical supervision. You need to stop taking fluids for a specific time. After that time, your blood sample is taken. Before taking the blood sample they give you a dose of synthetic ADH. During this test, they also take blood or urine osmolality samples (at intervals) to measure how the body responds to fluid restriction and the drug. Sometimes during this test people develop dehydration, that’s why it is important to perform this test under supervision.
- In this test, if you have abnormal levels of ADH production and the inability to concentrate urine that reflects the increased urine osmolality after the ADH administration means you have central diabetes insipidus. And if the kidneys are not responding to ADH that reflects no change in urine osmolality before ADH administration means you have nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
- In this test, if you have abnormal levels of ADH production and the inability to concentrate urine that reflects the increased urine osmolality after the ADH administration means you have central diabetes insipidus. And if the kidneys are not responding to ADH that reflects no change in urine osmolality before ADH administration means you have nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
- Water Loading Test: This test is similar to the water deprivation test, but in this test, you need to drink water for a specific time. The amount of urine generated and urine osmolality is monitored over time. An ADH blood test is also performed. This test can be risky for people who have kidney disease and can result in severely low blood sodium levels.
- In this test, the people who have decreased blood sodium levels and osmolality have SIADH (Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone). They are not able to produce more urine. There is urine osmolality is high relative to serum osmolality. The ADH is in excess and does not decrease approximately with water loading.
- Anosmolality test: This test helps to measure the concentration of dissolved particles that are found in your blood serum and urine.
- Electrolytes screening test: This test helps to diagnose how frequently you go to pee if you stop drinking water for several hours.
ADH test is a useful test only if you take it with a combination of other tests. It gives you clear results on the problem you’re having with your ADH hormone. Diagnosis helps you take the correct treatment for your health condition.
Want to know more about ADH imbalance? At Doral Health and Wellness, we have doctors that can help you manage your condition. For more information, you can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, 11212, or call us on 1-347-384-5690. You can also visit our website at or contact us at if you have any queries.