Obesity is a fast-growing problem in the world. Due to the increase in fast food and the easy availability of pre-packaged food many people suffer from obesity and excess weight. Obesity is caused by excessive fat in the body which increases weight and risks for other chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, coronary heart disease, or even death. There is no cure for obesity. However, managing your weight properly can allow you to prevent those complications.
Bariatric doctors create a weight loss plan for you to follow so that you can achieve the targeted weight. Mindful eating is a useful technique that can help you achieve that. Log on to https://bariatricbrooklyn.com/ to know more about weight loss.
Learn about the benefits of mindful eating in this article.
What is mindful eating?
Mindful eating means that you calmly focus on your food by using all your physical and emotional senses to enjoy the food choices you make. This increases your gratitude for food, improves your overall eating experience, and you avoid overeating. And research tells us mindful eating is beneficial for your psychological well-being, it increases pleasure and satisfaction while eating. It also helps to improve depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and other mental health conditions.
For those who want to lose weight or suffer from problems such as obesity, Mindful eating is greatly beneficial to prevent obesity complications by managing your weight.
How to get started?
You can get started by following these steps:
- Begin slowly – If you are new, start slowly with one meal or snack each day and stay committed to mindful eating once a day.
- Avoid distractions – Don’t use the phone, watch TV, or a laptop that distracts you from your eating. Eat in your dining room where just you and your food are.
- Cook yourself – You should make your food yourself or prepare the salad because preparing your food improves your digestion and absorption processes. And cooking is very relaxing which can prevent your stress response.
- Eat small portions – Eat your meal in small portions. Use a knife or fork to cut into bite-sized chunks to eat one at a time.
- Notice your meal before eating – Before eating, take time to appreciate what you’re about to eat – its texture, color, or shape.
- Feel the sensations when you eat – when you take a bite from your meal feel the sensations- how its tastes, crunch, smoothness, liquid, texture, etc. If you’re with others, ask them about how they feel when they take the bite and share your observations.
- Chew your food thoroughly – Make sure you chew your food properly enough until it becomes liquid before you swallow. This helps with digestion. Don’t take the next bite until you finish your mouthful. It can help to put the cutlery down between mouthfuls.
- Stop eating when you feel 80% full – Eating mindfully means you feel full a lot quicker. So, when you feel that you consume enough food which satisfies your craving, stop eating. Don’t continue eating because your plate is not empty.
7 benefits of mindful eating
- Weight loss – Mindful eating leads to weight loss. It helps to stop eating when you’re full, change your food choices, and change your bad eating habits. All of these improve your digestion and help with weight loss. And if you exercise regularly, you notice a quick weight change. You don’t even need calorie counting when you practice mindful eating.
- Increased awareness of hunger and fullness – Mindful eating increases your awareness about hunger and fullness. This exercise makes you eat your food with full concentration without any distractions. It makes you aware when you feel full and helps to prevent overeating. You learn how to control your cravings instead of going all out with your eating. Hunger produces feelings like irritability, fatigue, grumbling stomach. Whereas fullness makes you feel content.
- Improved digestion – It helps to improve digestion as with this exercise you start eating healthily, chew properly, and avoid overeating. All these factors improve your digestion and prevent digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.
- Reduce stress – Mindful eating improves stress levels. When we take time and eat slowly, we reduce our stress hormone called cortisol (The hormone released by the body in response to stress). That means mindful eating reduces stress.
- Healthy food choices – When you become more aware of what food makes you feel, you start making healthy eating choices. You avoid choosing food that has fat and only tastes good; instead, you choose foods that have more nutritional value and make you feel better.
- Control binge eating – Mindful eating helps people to make the right eating choices by increasing their awareness of what and how much they should eat to satisfy their hunger. They eat slowly by enjoying their meal and focusing on their eating which reduces their anxiety, stress, or depression (which are the most common causes of binge eating).
- Increase satisfaction levels – Mindful eating allows you to eat without being distracted. Enjoy your food in every bite you eat which automatically increases your awareness about your satisfaction cues. Over time, you can avoid overeating by eating only that much food that satisfies your hunger.
Mindful eating is beneficial, especially for people who want to lose weight. It not only improves your diet but also helps to avoid overeating, stress, anxiety, and depression which improves your mental and physical health.
Looking for a weight loss plan that is effective, healthy, and made only for you?
Walk in for an appointment at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11212. Doral Health & Wellness has an advanced bariatric clinic that offers laparoscopic surgeries in bariatrics including Gastric sleeve surgery, Gastric bypass surgery, and Sleeve gastrectomy.
In case you are looking for weight loss surgery, call us at 1-347-384-5690 to get answers to your queries.