Embolic stroke can be defined as a blood clot that forms elsewhere in the body breaks loose and travels to the brain via the bloodstream. When the clot forms in the artery and blocks blood flow, this causes a stroke. It is an emergency medical condition, if you don’t get initial treatment, it can be fatal. So, you must note the early symptoms and call for emergency medical services to get immediate medical help. Get a consultation with the best neurologists in Brooklyn. 

Learn more about the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of embolic stroke in this article. 


Stroke is an emergency condition, so every minute counts. The doctor checks your symptoms and uses some imaging tests to verify your condition and starts treating your stroke:  

  • CT (Computerized Tomography) scan: A CT scan is used to see the blood vessels of the neck or brain in detail by using a series of X-ray tests. 
  • MRI: This imaging test shows images of damage from a stroke or brain hemorrhage.  
  • Carotid ultrasound: This test shows in detail the blood flow and depicts any fatty deposits in your carotid arteries by using sound waves.  
  • Cerebral angiogram: This test provides a detailed view of the arteries in your neck and brain by using a catheter through a small incision and into your carotid or vertebral arteries.  
  • Echocardiogram: In this test, sound waves are used to find the location of any blood clots that may be traveling from your heart to your brain.  

Your doctor may also perform some blood tests to check the following:  

  • How quickly blood clots are forming 
  • Your blood sugar level 
  • If you have an infection 
  • If your critical blood chemicals are unbalanced 

After confirming it is a stroke, they start treating the stroke to save the person’s life.  

 Treatment and rehabilitation 

The primary goal of the treatment of stroke is to save the patient and prevent the expansion of brain damage. In the first few hours after a stroke, drug treatment is effective. It helps to restore the blood flow to the brain. Doctors may use a catheter to deliver drugs directly to your brain or to remove the clot.  

Further, when they do a detailed diagnosis and visualization of the affected vessel area, they use surgical methods to remove the blockage. This procedure is called a thrombectomy in which the surgeon makes an incision in the affected vessel area and inserts a catheter into the artery to clear the thrombus or plaque that causes the stroke. It should be performed within 24 hours of the initial symptoms, but it is most effective if it is performed within 6 hours after the symptoms begin.  

To prevent additional strokes, surgeons can open arteries that are narrowed by plaque. Your doctor may use stents to keep an artery open, this procedure is called a carotid endarterectomy.  

You might need to stay in the hospital for several weeks or more until you recover fully, or the doctor thinks you are healthy to go. These measures are necessary to take because they minimize the negative consequences of stroke.  

Rehabilitation of a patient includes three stages:  

  • In this stage, you are a bedridden patient. Your specialist team maintains the work of vital body functions.  
  • This is an early rehabilitation stage in which you are given a passive gymnastics massage to restore essential functions until you get out of bed.  
  • Late rehabilitation: In this stage, the doctors aim for the gradual restoration of your body functions (mental, motor, and body functions) affected by a stroke. 

After your recovery process, you can go back to normal life.  

Want to know how you can help a person with Embolic stroke? Look no further. Call us on +1-347-384-5690 or visit www.doralhw.org and book your appointment with the best Neurologists in Brooklyn at Doral Health & Wellness. Visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212. Keeping you safe and healthy is our primary goal.  

Contact us to help your loved ones.