Did you know that your anxiety may increase your risk of cardiovascular and respiratory problems? While it may not seem harmful, anxiety is a common condition that affects your physical and mental health severely if not managed on time. Learn the signs and symptoms of anxiety and how to cope with them in this article. Visit the best Mental Health Clinic in Brooklyn at Doral Health & Wellness or log on to www.doralhw.org.
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a brain response to feelings of fear, dread, and uneasiness. It affects your cognitive, physical, and behavioral ability like making you restless and tense, rush of adrenaline, or rapid heartbeat. This is a normal reaction to stressful situations.
For example, you may feel anxiety during your first interview or face a difficult problem at work, before taking a test, or before making a major decision.
While it helps you cope with the situation by giving a boost in energy or helping you focus, extended periods of anxiety can raise the risk of many health conditions. You may experience symptoms such as high blood pressure and nausea which may even lead to anxiety disorder.
These are conditions that make your anxiety worse over time which affects your everyday life. Once your anxiety reaches this level it can affect your daily activities such as job performance, relationships, and your mental and physical health.
What does anxiety look like?
There are many emotional and physical symptoms you may experience due to anxiety:
- Panic attacks
- Feel nervous, fearful, or tense
- Sweating
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Sleep problems
- Nausea
- Digestive issues
- Feel too cold or too hot
- Fast breathing or shortness of breath
- Shaking
- Rapid heart rate
- Chest pain
- Restlessness
These signs may get worse over time which increases the risk of anxiety disorder, depression, or other mental health conditions.
4 Tips to cope
These tips help you cope with anxiety and improve your life quality:
- Identify and manage your triggers:
This is the most crucial step to managing your anxiety. You should know all the triggers that lead to anxiety, while some may be obvious others are not. You can ask for help from a therapist to find the uncommon ones and learn ways to manage them.
Common triggers include:
- Chronic pain
- Caffeine
- Smoking
- Past trauma
- Drug abuse or certain medication side effects
- Work, relationships, and other life stresses.
These triggers can vary between individuals, you just need to identify them and learn how you can cope with them.
- Diet changes:
Making certain changes in your diet and supplements can help you prevent anxiety. The research found that these foods and supplements can be used as part of anxiety treatment:
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Lemon balm
- Green tea
- Kava
- Ashwagandha
- Valerian root
However, if you’re taking some other medications, make sure you discuss them with your doctor before using these herbal remedies to prevent adverse reactions.
- Stay physically active:
When you stay physically active, your body produces feel-good chemicals in your brain which reduce anxiety and stress. So, if you stay more physically active most days of the week it automatically boosts your mood and keeps you healthy. Start slowly with the exercise you like and gradually increase the amount and intensity to sustain the benefits of your workout.
Many studies also prove that exercise has a positive impact on managing anxiety.
- Maintain social connection:
Whether you have social anxiety or not, having some connection allows you to connect with others and share your feelings, thoughts, and emotions helps regulate your anxiety. It also relieves stress, encourages the feeling of happiness and togetherness, brings laughter, and decreases loneliness.
Research shows that social connections make you more resilient to stress in the long run. That’s why you should preserve and cherish your social connection with your family and friends regularly.
Anxiety is a normal body response to stress, however, if you feel stressed for a long time it also causes anxiety symptoms and affects your daily activities. That’s why you should apply the above-mentioned tips to manage anxiety and live a better life.
If you’re not able to manage your anxiety yourself, then get professional help, visit our mental health clinic in Brooklyn for a check-up and treatment. Call us on +1-347-384-5690 to get a consultation. We have some of the finest experienced psychiatrist doctors who listen to your concerns, examine your symptoms, and create a treatment plan to improve your condition as soon as possible. If you need help learning coping methods, register your information and make direct contact with our doctors and psychiatrists to learn those methods, log on to www.doralhw.org. Visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212.