If you have redness or swelling along with pain on your toe, then you might have developed an ingrown toenail. This type of ingrown toenails mostly occurs due to infection or any underlying causes. To diagnose this type of ingrown toenail, a nail biopsy is used which is a surgical procedure. In this procedure, your nail may be partially or entirely removed to diagnose. Based on the severity of the symptoms and the diagnosis result, your treatment is planned.
If you experience any of these signs like throbbing, pain, swelling, bleeding, discharge, or sensitivity changes in your toe after the procedure then take these precautions to manage them, including:
- For the first 48 hours (about 2 days) after the procedure, make sure you keep your leg as high as possible above your heart level. This can decrease your pain and swelling. Try to keep your affected leg raised as often as you can for 1 week.
- If your wound bleeds, then press firmly on your wound with clean gauze for 15 minutes. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, then press firmly again for more than 15 minutes. If it still bleeds, then call your healthcare provider.
- To manage pain or discomfort you can take acetaminophen or extra-strength acetaminophen according to your needs. However, avoid aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen because it may increase bleeding. To take medicine, follow these instructions:
- Take the dose direction mentioned on the package. If your pain doesn’t improve, call your healthcare provider.
- If you’re allergic to acetaminophen or can’t take it due to a medical condition, ask your healthcare provider for alternatives.
- If you’re taking cancer treatment, then ask your oncologist (cancer doctor) what pain medications you should take.
- To reduce pain, swelling, and bruising, you can apply an ice pack to your wound. Place it on your wound for 15 to 20 minutes every hour and use it as your healthcare recommended.
Care for recovery
You need to follow some special instructions to take care of your wound at home to get better recovery without any side effects:
- You should keep your bandage as recommended after the procedure and make sure it stays dry. If you are taking a shower, then wrap a plastic cover on your toe to keep your toe dry. To change the bandages, follow these steps:
- First, soak your affected toe or finger in lukewarm water for 15 minutes which helps you prevent your bandage from sticking to your wound.
- Gently remove the bandage, according to the doctor’s recommended time for changing them.
- Wash your wound with soap and water. Dry it with clean gauze.
- Check for blue or purple discoloration or redness. If you notice any of these signs, call your healthcare provider.
- Apply the prescribed antibiotic ointment to your wound and cover it with a new bandage. Keep the tip of the toe open to the air so you can easily check its discoloration or redness.
- You may feel numb for 1 to 2 hours after your procedure because of the effect of local anesthesia.
- Avoid wearing tight clothing for about 1 to 2 weeks after the procedure because it may pull the bandage off during changing clothes.
- Avoid swimming but you can do any strenuous exercise such as jogging and tennis or lift light weights recommended weeks after your procedure.
It takes around 6 months to 1 year for your toenail to regrow. The nail will mostly be normal.
If you’re also experiencing ingrown toenails or any other foot problem symptoms, then visit our podiatry clinic in Brooklyn to get the best medical foot service. Doral Health & Wellness employs Podiatrists with extensive education and expertise. Trauma to the tendons, muscles, and bones of the foot is quite common. It’s not a good idea to put off seeing a Foot Doctor Brooklyn until you’re in a lot of pain. Our address is 1797 Pitkin Avenue, New York, NY 11212. To make an appointment, please call +1-347-384-5690 or send an email to info@podiatristsbrooklyn.com.