According to certain studies, 9% of patients still experience palpitations six months after the initial COVID-19 infection episode, while 25 to 50% of patients report having them for 12 weeks (about three months) or longer.
This demonstrates that while COVID-19 might produce heart palpitations, they are typically not an indication of a medical disease. Getting checked out by a doctor is a better option to rule out any heart-related issues. Get a consultation with the best cardiologists in Brooklyn.
If you’re experiencing heart palpitation or a high heart rate during or after COVID infection, then visit your health practitioner. They go through your medical history, perform a physical exam, and order some tests. They may even refer you to a cardiologist as well to provide you with the necessary heart treatment.
Some of tests that may be recommended including:
- Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG): In this test, doctors pass electrical signals in your heart to check how fast or slow your heart is beating.
- Holter monitoring: This portable ECG device can record your heart’s activity during your daily activities. It can also detect irregular heartbeats that may not be found during a standard ECG exam.
- Echocardiogram: In this test, sound waves are passed through your body to generate detailed images of the heart in motion, and to check blood flows through the heart and heart valves to find if any valve is narrowed or leaking.
- Exercise or stress tests: These tests include walking on a treadmill or cycling on a stationary bike while your heart is being monitored. This reveals your heart’s response to physical activity and whether you have any heart disease symptoms during exercise or not. If exercise is not possible, then medications are used.
- Cardiac catheterization: This test is used to check blockages in the heart’s arteries. A thin and flexible tube is inserted into a blood vessel usually from your groin or wrist and guided to the heart. A dye then pumped through the catheter to the heart’s arteries, making them visible on X-ray images taken during the test.
- Cardiac CT scan: In this test, multiple images of your heart and chest are obtained to check for diseases.
- Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan: This test uses a magnetic field, and a machine passes radio waves inside your body to generate detailed heart images on the monitor.
If your doctor finds a frequent high heart rate from COVID based on your test results, then, these treatment options may be prescribed:
- Medications: Certain drugs may be prescribed to normalize your heart beats.
- Catheter ablation: In this procedure, a doctor uses a thread of a catheter through the blood vessels to the heart to scar a small spot of heart tissue and block the pathway causing the arrhythmia.
- Pacemaker: It is a small device that connects to your body which can lower a fast heartbeat.
Additionally, it’s essential you take all necessary steps to support your overall health and manage any existing cardiovascular risk factors to prevent heart issues. You can follow these lifestyle changes to protect your overall heart health, including:
- Quit smoking.
- Eat healthy, well-balanced foods.
- Avoid or limit your alcohol intake.
- Reduce your caffeine intake.
- Exercise regularly.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Manage your stress by using stress-relieving techniques.
- Practice good sleep habits.
When to see a doctor?
If you experience frequent palpitations especially when you recently dealing or dealt with COVID-19, then you should see a doctor. Doctors and researchers are still looking into why these cardiac symptoms are occurring and they have a lot of tools and treatment options that can help you manage those symptoms.
The link between COVID-19 and heart palpitations is not clear. There can be many reasons you experience heart palpitations during and after COVID-19. But the good news is you’re not alone. The healthcare provider has many treatment options that can help you manage cardiological symptoms.
If you have heart palpitations and any other cardiological symptoms, visit our cardiology clinic in Brooklyn to get professional medical help. Call us on +1(347) 384-5690. The Cardiologists at Doral Health & Wellness consistently have outstanding patient satisfaction ratings. The professionals at Heart Specialist Brooklyn are able to greatly improve their patient’s health and quality of life because of their vast training and experience. New Yorkers can get the greatest medical, surgical, and cardiovascular care at Doral Health & Wellness Brooklyn. Visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212.