Taking your relationship to the next level by entering intimacy sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But this may be the most difficult decision you made in your relationship. Why? STIs are the most common infections that spread during sex and symptoms don’t occur for many years. While many are curable and all of them are treatable, it is still dangerous to find out later. So, before making that decision have an open and honest conversation about STD. Here are some tips to have an open and honest discussion about STI with your partner down below. Log on to www.doralhw.org for a consultation.
Tips to have open and honest discussions about STI
Having clear discussions about STIs may be difficult at first with your partner but once you become comfortable this keeps you and your partner’s sex life healthy and safe. Here are some tips that can help you break the ice and start having open and honest discussions about STI, including:
- Plan what you want to say:
Whenever we are about to have a difficult conversation, we plan what to say and how to say it, so that it becomes easier when we have that conversation. Similarly, in this situation, think and plan about how you want to start your conversation with your partner. Even though it is hard to predict where this conversation will go, planning it out lowers your tension and you can simulate in your mind how this conversation may end.
So, make the best plan for how you want to initiate the conversation and the points you want to make. Write it down in a script and read it aloud. Listening to your talk to create the right tone and sharing your STD results may be the best way to start your conversation.
- Pick the right time to start the conversation:
The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion says you should have a conversation about STDs before having sex. This way you can have an open and honest conversation. However, don’t start your conversation in the heat instead, choose a time where you can focus on this topic properly.
While there may not be any best time to have the conversation, you may find it easier to talk to your partner about STDs when you both are ready to start your intimate relationship.
Even if you may feel awkward at first to start the conversation, someone needs to take the initiative before it’s too late. If your partner doesn’t bring it up, you have every right to bring it up before getting intimate.
- Start the conversation:
You can start this topic by saying, “I want to let you know that last month I got tested for STIs” or “I think we’re ready to take our relationship to the intimate level, but to enjoy it together without any problem I want us to make sure we’re protected against STDs.”
Taking the initiative like this makes your partner feel like you value their relationship and want to keep it safe and healthy.
- Pay attention to how they respond:
After starting the conversation, see how your partner reacts in general. Some people may become defensive because it is about judging their sexual past. Some may feel weird about scheduling testing for themselves.
While some just tell you whether they are tested and ready to take a test. You can encourage them to get tested together so that you can open up and share your results and show how both you and your partner want to keep themselves safe.
However, if your partner flat-out refuses or reacts negatively about getting tested, tell them the reasons why testing is the best way to prevent and take early measures to stop the infection with treatment. If your partner still denies it completely without any reason, you have every right to decide whether this relationship is right for you or not. If you both agree, to get tested you can talk more about sex-safe practices until the results.
- Share your results:
Until your results, create a safe environment for your sex life by practicing using condoms or dental dams to stay safe. When your results come, share them with each other and if you or your partner have an STD, then, keep certain things in mind:
- STIs don’t define people or their nature.
- Many STIs are curable and all of them are treatable.
- Millions of people contract STIs every year.
- For those in monogamous relationships, an STI doesn’t always mean your partner cheated you (possibly in some cases), it may have happened due to their previous partner because symptoms take years to show up.
Now, if your partner is infected with STDs, then start this conversation in a safe place where no one can interrupt you. Before the results, practice what to say in this conversation. Tell them, don’t worry, treatment can cure it, and it doesn’t affect our relationship. You can also tell them getting tested regularly can help us prevent these infections most safely.
However, if your partner doesn’t disclose an STI to you and you find it unknowingly. Then, you have every right to choose whether you want to stay in a relationship or not.
STIs affect millions of lives each year and most of them don’t cause symptoms for many years or cause mild symptoms. That’s why it’s your responsibility to keep yourself and your partner safe during sex. Use the above-mentioned tips to have an open and honest discussion about STIs to get tested or use safe sex practices.
If anyone between you and your partner is infected, don’t judge them if they are honest with you about their past relationships, support them during their treatment, and maintain your relationship. If your partner lies or doesn’t tell, you have every right to choose whether you want to stay in this relationship or not.
If you need help with STD testing, visit our infectious diseases clinic in Brooklyn to get proper testing and treatment. For more tips or treatment suggestions for STD testing, call us to get a consultation from our medical professionals. Our infectious disease doctors make sure your condition gets diagnosed and treated properly. For more information or to make an appointment, call us to get a consultation. Call us on +1-347-384-5690. If you need any information on infections, log on to www.doralhw.org get a consultation. We have the best doctors that can help you and improve your quality of life!