In managing colitis, your dietary choices can play an important role in managing your symptoms. However, you may have a different response to foods than others so it’s advisable that you work closely with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to develop a personalized plan specifically for you.

If you have questions about colitis, you can visit Doral Health and Wellness. We have the best gastroenterologist that can help you with your condition. You can contact us by visiting our clinic or visiting our website at

If you have colitis, it may be helpful that you will be mindful of the types of food that you include in your diet and what foods to avoid. Generally, these are the types of food to include and to avoid when you have colitis:

Foods to Include

  • Low-Fiber Foods
    • Cooked or peeled fruits and vegetables
    • Refined grains (white bread, white rice)
    • Well-cooked and tender meat
  • Protein Sources
    • Lean proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs
  • Dairy Alternatives
    • Lactose-free or low-lactose dairy products (if you are lactose intolerant)
  • Healthy Fats
    • Olive oil, avocado, and nut butters
  • Cooked Vegetables
    • Well-cooked carrots, spinach, and squash
  • Low-Residue Foods — These are the foods that are less likely to leave undigested residue in your colon
  • Probiotic-Rich Foods
    • Yogurt or kefir with live and active cultures

Foods to Limit or Avoid

  • High-Fiber Foods
    • Raw fruits and vegetables
    • Whole grains and bran
    • Nuts and seeds
  • Dairy — High-lactose dairy products if you are lactose intolerant
  • Spicy Foods — Spices and hot peppers that may irritate your digestive tract
  • High-Fat Foods — Fried foods and fatty cuts of meat
  • Gas-Producing Foods
    • Beans, lentils, and carbonated beverages
  • High-Sugar Foods
    • Sugary snacks and beverages
  • Caffeine and Alcohol — Limit your intake, as they can be irritating
  • Artificial Sweeteners — You may be sensitive to certain sweeteners

It’s important to note that these dietary needs may change during flare-ups. It is also important to maintain a food diary as it can help you identify your trigger foods. If needed, gradual reintroduction of these foods under the guidance of a healthcare professional can also be beneficial. Staying well-hydrated is also important, and nutritional supplements may be recommended if you have a risk for nutrient deficiencies. Always consult with your medical provider for a personalized advice based on your specific condition and symptoms.

If you or your loved one have signs and symptoms for colitis, have them/yourself checked. You can schedule an appointment with Doral Health and Wellness Gastroenterology Center’s best gastro doctors in Brooklyn. If you are looking for treatments, you can also talk to our specialists and inquire with them. To schedule an appointment, please visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11212 or call 1-347-384-5690.