Does your professional life take over your time and space? Many people encounter this problem that their work overwhelms them and becomes the reason for stress (and less time for family and yourself). This may feel okay for now but eventually, it can lead to mental health problems and negative emotions. So, don’t ignore it. Instead, apply the following 6 tips to achieve work-life balance for a fulfilling life. Visit the best Mental Health Clinic in Brooklyn at Doral Health & Wellness or log on to
6 Tips to achieve work-life balance
Creating a work-life balance may be difficult, but possible. Here are 6 tips that’ll help you achieve your work-life balance:
1. Set boundaries:
Setting boundaries is crucial to creating work-life balance because this allows you to give specific time for a list of things you need to do, which makes your job easier and less stressful.
That’s why you need to talk with your boss about serious topics like setting boundaries or burnout to safeguard your needs while ensuring you give your best in your work. It may include increasing your break time, not responding to unnecessary emails, etc. so it doesn’t take a toll on your personal life.
Create a list of items that are most important (or things you want in control) and talk with your boss to consider making changes to your job duties, if necessary.
2. Write down the stressors and learn how to manage them:
Feeling stressed is normal, however, not managing it can take a huge toll on your energy levels and make it difficult to manage work and personal life. And if you struggle with chronic stress, then it can be more harmful to your overall health.
The best way to handle stress is to identify and record what causes your stress. Some may come from subtle sources of tension like uncomfortable workspace, long commutes, chatter behind the back, etc.
To do that, you can start a journal to keep track of your stress triggers and learn what reactions or activities help you get over that stress. You can include everything from people, places, and events to your mental and emotional response.
When you write them down, give yourself time to think and act on how you should respond to handle the situation better. You can learn techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, yoga, etc. to regulate your stress.
You can also get professional help from a mental health professional or counselor who can help you understand yourself better and teach the skills that help you think and act differently to manage your stress.
If you need help with your everyday stressors, visit our mental health clinic in Brooklyn to get the help you need. Our professional ensures that all your concerns go away at the end of your session. Call us now on +1-347-384-5690 to book your first session today.
3. Sharpening your time management skills
Time is something that we can’t control, however, what we can do is manage it properly to live a happy fulfilling life. If your time management skills are not good, you feel overwhelmed by your work and personal life due to how disorganized you are.
So, sharpen your time management skills by creating a priority list on your weekend night by preparing the whole week’s tasks and ranking them according to importance. This can help you beat procrastination, the most common state of mind that kills your productive state and makes you lazy.
Setting aside specific time blocks for deep concentration work allows one to handle tasks that are more tiresome or less appealing tasks to gain an early sense of relief that helps you feel less stressed for the rest of the day and less important tasks for later. This makes you more productive and happier throughout your day.
4. Take time to recharge:
Taking time to recharge may not seem very essential but it plays an important role in your productivity and relieving stress. When you take a few minutes’ break from your work it allows you to avoid burnout which is caused by work stress and helps you gain focus on your work which improves your productivity.
This is the secret of Japanese people who can work for long hours without feeling tired. They take frequent breaks between work. Usually, they follow a pattern of 1 hour of work followed by a 10 to 15-minute break.
During your break, you can do an activity that takes your mind off your work and makes you feel relieved which may include listening to a short podcast, watching a funny YouTube video, or going on a short walk to calm your mind. The more relaxed you feel, the better you can focus on your work. So, take short breaks for better productivity results along with better mental health.
5. Avoid distractions at work:
Distractions are the most common reason that you suffer from bad time management and the stress of not completing your work on time which makes you carry your work home and disturb your personal life. There can be many reasons for your distractions such as multitasking, phone notifications, workplace gossip, etc.
But the good thing is all these distractions are avoidable. What you need to do is to prioritize your work at hand so that it doesn’t take extra time off from your schedule. For example, multitasking may seem appealing, but this won’t make you complete your work. That’s why focus on one task at a time before going to the second task. Turn off notifications from emails, social media, and messages that disturb your workflow.
Workplace gossip is not good because it can take a toll on your mind (if you become the topic of being trolled). It creates emotional stress that affects your work performance. So, if your colleagues are prone to gossip, try to find a way to avoid it and spend less time with them or try to change the topic. This way you can ensure it doesn’t affect your work and helps you stay productive at work. This allows you to finish your work on time and spend the rest of the day with your family and friends.
6. Prioritize self-care:
When you prioritize self-care, it helps you make better decisions in life and stay healthy. Prioritizing self-care means prioritizing things that are necessary to stay healthy including sleep, diet, physical activity, and setting time for yourself and your family.
If you are overwhelmed by your work, then you need to set time for your self-care. This is necessary for your overall health. So, don’t consider it as a luxury but as a necessity.
When to go to a doctor?
If stress becomes unbearable and impacts your mental health, then you should talk to a therapist. It is not necessary to get therapy only for mental health conditions but also for any stressors that you can’t handle, and which affect your mental health.
Working with a mental health professional allows you to better identify the sources of your stressors and ways to navigate them. A therapist also helps you develop strategies to manage stress and care for yourself to avoid burnout.
Finding a balance between work and life is particularly important to live a happy and fulfilling life. Without it, work stress and not spending enough time with family and yourself over time create emotional and mental problems in life. That’s why you should find a balance between work and life with the help of the above-mentioned tips in your life.
If workload, or any kind of stress is taking a toll on your life, then we’ll help you to conquer it. Book your appointment in our mental health professional clinic in Brooklyn where doctors and staff ensure you get the best results. Call us on +1-347-384-5690 to get a consultation. If you need help learning coping methods, register your information and make direct contact with our doctors and psychiatrists to learn those methods, log on to Visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212.