Not able to conceive a child even after trying for over a year? If yes, you may need to get tested for infertility issues. Infertility means not being able to get pregnant even after one year or more of trying to conceive. This problem is found in many couples. However, the good news is that it is treatable in most cases if you take fertility tests. Learn when you should consider fertility tests and what to expect during the procedure in this article. Schedule an appointment at Doral Health and Wellness – Women’s Health Center.

Who should consider infertility tests?

There are certain situations and factors when you consider infertility tests:

  • Difficulty conceiving:If it’s been 6 months or 1 year of trying to get pregnant, or your age is over 35 and you don’t get any results, then you should consider infertility tests.
  • Irregular menstrual cycles:  If your periods are irregular, absent, or cause unusual pain, then it’sa sign of an underlying fertility issue that needs investigation.
  • Known medical conditions: If you have a history of medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), then it can create problems with your fertility.
  • Previous miscarriages: If you’veexperienced several miscarriages, then it’s worth taking diagnostic tests to find what is causing that problem.
  • Family history: If you have a family history of fertility issues, then it might be worth trying to get tested to check if you might be facing the same challenges or not.
  • Preconception planning:If you’re planning to start a family and want to ensure a healthy reproductive system, consider these tests will provide you valuable insights.

What to expect?

When you visit a doctor, you can expect your doctor to ask questions to you and your partner together to learn about health and lifestyle. Both of you need to be equally fertile to conceive a child. The doctor starts asking questions to you and your partner about things like:

  • Medical history, including short or long-term treatments or conditions.
  • Medicines you take.
  • If you get in contact withchemicals, toxins, or radiation at home or workplace.
  • If you smoke tobacco, drink excessive alcohol, eat or drink things with caffeine, or use illicit drugs?
  • How many times do you have sex?
  • History of birth control use
  • Ongoing or have a history of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Any problems during sex?
  • Did you or your partner have sex outside of the relationship?
  • Did you get pregnant before?
  • How often did you haveyour periods last year?
  • Did you experience irregular or missed periods last year?
  • Did you notice any changes in your blood flow or spot any blood clots?
  • Did you see a doctor for infertility before, and if you did, what treatment did they prescribe?

After these questions, your doctor prescribes some tests to diagnose the underlying cause of your infertility and recommends treatment based on your test results.

Can infertility be prevented?

Yes, in some cases you can prevent infertility. Here are certain tips that might help you prevent infertility:

  • Maintain a healthy weight: Your weight can affect your ovulation process and increase the risk of ovulation disorders. So, if you’reoverweight, then ask your doctor to create a weight loss program for you to follow so that you can lose weight properly and improve your ovulation process.
  • Quit smoking: Tobacco is not only bad for your lung health but also for your fertility as well because it can affect your fetus’s health. So, if you smoke, then consider quitting before planning to conceive a child.
  • Avoid alcohol: If you’rea heavy drinker, then it may lead to infertility because it affects the health of a developing fetus. If you’re planning to become pregnant, then quit alcohol until you deliver your baby.
  • Manage stress:Some studies found that couples who handle stress poorly often struggle with infertility treatment. So, you should manage your stress by using stress-relieving techniques to become pregnant.
  • Practice safe sex: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are quite common during unprotected sex and are one of the leading causes of infertility. So, practice safe sex until you and your partner are ready to have a baby. Use a condom during sex to prevent STIs and unnecessary pregnancy when you’renot ready for a baby. Getting tested for STIs is also a good measure to find STIs before they cause severe symptoms and decrease your fertility.

By making healthy lifestyle choices and staying informed about the risk factors associated with certain behaviors, you can prevent many health problems that may affect your fertility when you’re ready to welcome a new member to your family.

Female fertility tests can help you find the reason for your infertility and help you get the right treatment to improve your conceiving chances. Infertility is a common problem that many couples encounter but with testing, you can find the root cause of the problem and get treated to cure them.

Need help with fertility issues, visit our gynecologist clinic in Brooklyn for professional medical diagnoses and treatment. We have the latest fertility treatment options for you and many couples are happy with the result. It is important that you get a proper and correct diagnosis for your condition. At Doral Health and Wellness – Women’s Health Center, we have the best GYN doctor in Brooklyn, and we provide women with quality health care services. To schedule an appointment, you can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11212 or call us on 1-347-384-5690. You can also visit our website at