Infertility is a common problem faced by many couples nowadays. Most causes of infertility are lifestyle, age, or health conditions. However, there’s another cause as well that significantly becomes the reason for infertility and that is genetic disorders. Genetic disorders are abnormalities or gene mutations in your DNA structure that affect many body functions. But most of them are treatable if detected earlier. So, learn who needs genetic testing for infertility in this article. Schedule an appointment at Doral Health and Wellness – Women’s Health Center.
Genetic factors driving male and female infertility
Infertility in couples is not only caused by lifestyle factors or health conditions but also genetic factors play a significant role in infertility. Inheriting chromosomal abnormalities to gene mutations, both males and females produce different outcomes from these factors. These include:
- Mutation is possible if there’sa change in the gene’s DNA sequence.
- If a piece of chromosome is missing the whole chromosome can be deleted.
- Reversal of role happens if the chromosome is upside down.
- Aneuploidy (a condition when you have abnormal numbers of chromosomes in a cell due to few chromosomes and duplication in too many).
- Translocation (a genetic change when a chromosome breaks off its structure and attaches to another one. Sometimes more than two different chromosomes trade their places with each other).
Roles for genetic testing for infertility
Doctors recommend genetic testing to diagnose genetic disorders that may affect your fertility and help them gain information about how to customize your treatment plan. Genetic testing also helps to know about biological relatives like the mother and father of the child and the ancestry of the individual.
Genetic testing also helps to know:
- if a genetic condition can be passed down to the child. This helps to treat it even before the symptoms start to appear.
- if pregnancy can lead to a genetic condition or not.
- the genetic condition that the person is suffering from.
When you know the problem properly, you can decide what is right or wrong for you. It guides how to prevent or treat the condition even if it’s cancer.
Genetic factors can impact your fertility significantly especially in the cases of males. However, most genetic disorders are detectable and treatable. That’s why both males and females should consider genetic testing to find the underlying cause that may be the reason for their infertility and get treated to improve the chances of conceiving.
If you want to get tested for infertility, visit our clinic in Brooklyn for professional medical diagnosis and the latest medical treatment options for your fertility problems. At Doral Health and Wellness – Women’s Health Center, we have the best GYN doctor in Brooklyn, and we provide women with quality health care services. To schedule an appointment, you can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11212 or call us on 1-347-384-5690. You can also visit our website at