Do you know what is the best diet for type 2 diabetes? If you don’t, there are certain foods that you can eat and some foods you should avoid in your diet if you have diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the insulin hormone and raises blood sugar levels in the body. There is no cure available for diabetes right now. But with the help of treatment, you can manage your diabetes. For that, you need to keep your blood sugar level in the normal range with medications and lifestyle changes. Diet research for diabetics is important as food is the primary source of glucose to provide energy to the body.

Certain foods are harmful as they will raise your blood sugar levels and lead to diabetes. That’s why it is essential to discuss with your doctor the diet you need in managing your diabetes.

Importance of diet- How does food affect blood sugar levels?

There is no special diabetes diet. You need to follow simple dietary restrictions like removing some food items, not skipping meals, and eating food at regular intervals. As food is the primary source of energy, when you eat food, it gets converted into glucose(sugar) and released into the blood. Pancreas releases insulin hormone to manage glucose in the blood and transfers it to the whole body in the form of energy to use for essential and everyday tasks. And the remaining is stored as body fat around the abdomen and liver.

When you have diabetes certain foods that are high in carbohydrates can increase blood sugar levels drastically which makes it hard to manage your diabetes and can lead to serious complications. The more you eat those foods, the higher your blood sugar levels go.

It doesn’t matter whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes or prediabetes the effect of those foods stays the same. To prevent it, you need to make the right eating choices that keep your blood sugar levels at a normal range.

Best and worst foods for diabetes management

To maintain blood sugar levels within a normal range, there are certain foods that are good to include in your diet and others that you should avoid, including:

Best foods

  1. Fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables are important parts of a diabetes diet as they are naturally low in calories and contain many nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. Even if you eat them frozen, dried, or canned the effects are still the same.

But you need to avoid fruits and vegetables which have a high carbohydrate content, and even juices and smoothies. Choose low-carb options to eat.

Eating fruits and vegetables also protects you from stroke, heart disease, and some forms of cancer.

  1. Protein:

Protein-rich foods like fish, nuts, seeds, pulses, eggs, meat, and beans are considered one of the best foods you can eat, as these foods contain protein which keeps muscles healthy, and also contains omega-3 which is good to protect your heart and lower your blood and cholesterol levels.

But you should avoid red meat as it has been linked with cancer and heart disease.

  1. Dairy foods:

Dairy products are high in calcium and protein. This keeps bones, teeth, and muscles healthy. But some dairy products are high in fat, especially saturated fat, which is bad; choose low-fat alternatives like don’t eat sweetened yogurt instead go for better-unsweetened yogurt and add berries to make it sweeter.

  1. Oils and spreads:

Oils and spreads which include olive oil, vegetable oil, rapeseed oil, or nut butter are good sources of fat in your diet, as some fat is also important in your diet. Consuming these fats protects your heart. But if you consume foods with high saturated fat content, it increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. That’s why it’s important to consume fat carefully.

Worst foods

These foods are high in carbs which can cause heart disease and stroke. The less you consume them the better. The list includes:

  • Sugary foods (such as candy, cookies, cake, ice cream, sweetened cereals) and canned fruits with added sugar
  • Drinks with added sugars (such as juice, regular soda, and regular sports or energy drinks)
  • White rice, tortillas, bread, and pasta (especially those made with white flour)
  • Starchy vegetables (such as white potatoes, corn, and peas).

You also need to limit your alcohol and salt intake while following a diabetes diet.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that has no cure. And left untreated, can lead to serious complications including blood vessel damage, cardiovascular disease, vision loss, kidney disease, or nerve damage. Besides medication and lifestyle changes, diet plays a significant role in managing your diabetes. By eating the right food, you can manage your blood sugar levels and maintain good health. That’s why you need to consult with the doctor about what you should consume and avoid to manage your diabetes.

Looking for a clinic for diabetes treatment?

Call us on 13473845690 to get answers to your queries. We have the best endocrinologists that provide the best treatments, pay us a visit at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11212, or log on to If you want to be sure whether the symptoms, you’re experiencing are due to diabetes or not, book your appointment with us.