Most minor injuries don’t need medical intervention, but some need it. How do you find out which injury needs medical care? Read this article to understand common minor injuries, their home treatment, and when you should seek a doctor’s help for minor injuries. Log on to for a consultation.


Common minor injuries and their signs and symptoms

Common minor injuries are usually non-life-threatening and can occur in different forms such as cuts, scrapes, minor burns, and sprains. Each one causes someone similar symptoms, like:

  1. Bruises: Discoloration, tenderness, and swelling. For example, a bumped elbow or falling on your knees.
  2. Cuts: Open skin, bleeding, and pain. For example, paper cut, and knife cut while cooking.
  3. Sprains: Swelling, pain, and limited mobility. For example, Twisted ankle, and wrist sprain.
  4. Strains: Muscle pain, swelling, and stiffness. For example, a pulled muscle, or sudden neck strain from sudden movement.
  5. Scrapes: Abraded skin, and minor bleeding. For example, falling on pavement, or scraping knee.
  6. Blisters: Fluid-filled sacs, and pain when touched. For example, new shoes rubbing into your skin, and hand blisters from friction from sports/gym equipment.


First aid at home for minor injuries

Minor injuries are generally treated at home with a first aid kit. It should contain all the essentials to help you deal with minor injuries. A first aid kit should include:

  • Adhesive tape
  • Alcohol or antiseptic wipes
  • Antihistamines and other allergy medication
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Several different-sized bandages, including elastic bandages
  • Calamine lotion
  • Cold packs
  • Gauze rolls and pads
  • Hand sanitizing gel
  • Hydrocortisone cream
  • Latex-free medical gloves
  • Pain relief medication, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • Saline wash
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers

When it’s to see a doctor

If you notice any of the following warning signs, you should see a doctor right away. It includes:

  • Bleeding that doesn’t
  • Breathing problems – difficulty breathing, and shortness of breath.
  • Change in mental status – confusion, unusual behavior, and difficulty waking.
  • Chest pain or pressure.
  • Choking
  • Coughing up or vomiting blood.
  • Fainting or loss of consciousness.
  • Feelings of harming yourself or others.
  • Head or spine injury.
  • Severe or persistent vomiting.
  • Sudden injury due to an accident, burns or smoke inhalation, near-drowning, a deep or large wound, or other severe injuries.
  • Sudden, severe pain anywhere on the body.
  • Sudden dizziness, weakness, or change in vision
  • Swallowing a poisonous substance.
  • Severe abdominal pain.


Seeking medical care for minor injuries is required when you have an injury that can’t be managed at home, and it causes any of the above-mentioned signs. Urgent medical care is the best option to treat your wounds and prevent severe complications.


Need help with your wounds, visit our urgent care specialists in Brooklyn clinic for professional medical intervention. Doral Health and Wellness has several urgent care clinics around New York that can cater to your family’s medical needs. We also have the best medical providers, physicians and staff that are highly trained in their respective specialties. To know more about the locations of our urgent care clinics, you can visit us at Doral Health and Wellness. If you are looking for urgent care near you, you can visit Doral Health and Wellness Urgent Care. We provide urgent care for common illnesses and injuries. Additionally, we also provide comprehensive care for any related injuries and health problems. We also offer other services, such as vaccinations, immunizations, and blood testing. For more info, visit us or call 1-347-384-5690.