Breaking the Pimple Cycle: Strategies for Preventing Recurring Breakouts and Achieving Lasting Clear Skin

Acne can be prevented if you know the right strategy. It is a common skin condition that causes pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, inflamed cysts, etc. on the face, shoulder, neck, chest, and back. This frustrating acne takes a long time to heal. However, it can be prevented with the right method. Read this article to learn the 7 best strategies to prevent acne breakouts. If you notice changes in the appearance of your skin, you can consult the best dermatologist in East New York. Please contact Doral Health and Wellness Dermatology Center.

7 Strategies for preventing breakouts

Here are some strategies you can use to prevent breakouts, including:

  1. Wash your face twice daily:

While acne is not a result of a dirty face, however, you must keep your face clear and remove all dirt and oil from the skin by washing it regularly especially after visiting a polluted place or after sweating.

So, you should wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser and warm water. Avoid hot water and harsh soap because it can hurt your skin and cause more irritation. After washing, use a soft cloth or a clean towel to dry your face.

Applying an oil-free moisturizer after washing helps your skin from becoming too dry. However, over washing your face may make your skin dry, which can aggravate pimples. Over washing also causes oil overproduction which can result in acne.

  1. Use moisturizer:

Moisturizers help to keep your skin hydrated, which creates a major difference for acne-prone skin. If your skin gets too dry, it helps to produce oil to counterbalance the dryness. However, avoid using it too much because oil can cause pimples.

When selecting moisturizers, you should look for “noncomedogenic” on the label which means it doesn’t cause acne. There are different moisturizers for oily, dry, or combination skin. So, first, check all the ingredients and then buy.

  1. Stop scrubbing your face or other acne-prone areas:

Some people may like to scrub the skin with rough cloth pads or washcloths, which not only irritate the skin but also cause inflammation, making acne breakouts worse.

So, instead of scrubbing it, you use a gentle cleanser with clean hands or a soft brush to use on the face or other acne-prone skin to prevent pimples or worsen acne.

  1. Use the over-the-counter acne treatments:

Certain over the counter (OTC) acne treatments don’t need a prescription and are used to heal pimples and sometimes prevent them from occurring in the first place. However, overusing them may lead to irritation and dryness. So, you must follow the manufacturer’s usage instructions. Here are the most common ingredients you find in OTC acne treatments:

  • Benzoyl peroxide: This ingredient works best on inflammatory acne, like cysts and red bumps because it kills acne-causing bacteria.
  • Salicylic acid:This ingredient is best for blackheads and whiteheads because it unclogs pores and lowers inflammation.
  • Sulfur: This is a natural ingredient that is used to dry out dead skin cells to unclog pores and absorb excess sebum.

If you don’t know what OTC acne treatment works for you, consult with our dermatologist to know what is best for your skin.

  1. Use sunscreen when outdoors:

Use sunscreen when you go outdoors because the sun’s ultraviolet rays can increase inflammation and redness and also cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Some acne medications may also make skin sensitive under sunlight. So, you should limit going in the sun or use sunscreen with 6% zinc oxide or higher and SPF 30 or higher at least 20 minutes before sun exposure. Look for noncomedogenic on the sunscreen label to lower the chances of new pimples. Always read the ingredients on the product label before putting it on your skin.

  1. Use topical retinoids:

Topical retinoids are available in prescription and OTC acne products. It contains medicines derived from vitamin A to manage and prevent acne. These treatments can remove old dead skin and help to produce new skin cells faster, which also reduces pore-clogging.

Most topical retinoids are available on prescription, including tretinoin and tazarotene. However, some topical retinoids, such as adapalene are available over the counter.

  1. Avoid or limit makeup:

You shouldn’t use makeup in your daily routine to cover the pimples as it may cause clogged pores to trigger outbreaks and irritate your skin especially when you’re about to sleep. Overnight your face makeup can mix with the oil on your face and allow bacteria to grow which causes blackheads and later on acne. That’s why you should gently wash your makeup off at the end of the day before going to bed. You can also use an alcohol-free makeup remover to wipe the makeup off your face and wash your face with a deep pore cleanser.

If you are about to limit makeup, you should also limit some other products like hair styling products such as hair spray, dry shampoo, and texturizing products because when they come in contact with the skin, it causes outbreaks, instead you should consider oil-free, noncomedogenic products for yourself.

Getting acne/pimples is quite a common thing. However, with prevention, you may prevent new ones from occurring and reduce the existing ones. So, add the above-mentioned strategies to prevent acne breakouts and maintain flawless skin. If you still have acne, you can consult a dermatologist for medical treatment.

If your acne is ruining your life, visit our dermatology clinic in Brooklyn to get the best acne treatment that makes your skin healthy as before. At Doral Health and Wellness Dermatology Center, we have the best dermatologists that can help you take care of your skin. As dermatology experts in East New York, we are dedicated to providing the best services. You can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York to schedule an appointment. You can also call us at 1-347-384-5690 or visit our website at