Doral Health and Wellness Podiatry Services
Welcome to Doral Health & Wellness Podiatry Center. Our expert podiatrists are here to keep you on your feet and moving comfortably. From foot pain to preventive care, we’ve got your podiatric needs covered. Step into a world of optimal foot and ankle health with us.
Meet Our Doctor
Dr. Glenn Donovan, MD
Dr. Glenn Donovan, our expert podiatrist, brings a wealth of experience to Doral Health & Wellness.
He has surgical residency and fellowship with the American Professional Wound Care Association, Dr. Donovan is dedicated to maintaining normal foot function, preventing deformities, and addressing various foot issues, including pain, infections, and skin conditions. As a key speaker on topics like Diabetes and Your Feet, he is committed to promoting awareness and providing comprehensive podiatric care.

David Mandil, DPM
David Mandil, our expert podiatrist, brings a wealth of experience to Doral Health & Wellness.

Take a Virtual Tour of Our State of the Art Facility.
Our Facility is a Sight to See
At Doral Health & Wellness Podiatry Center, we offer a range of comprehensive services tailored to meet the needs of individuals and families. Our most common podiatry services include:
- Comprehensive Foot Examinations
- Treatment of Ingrown Toenails
- Custom Orthotics
- Bunion Correction
- Heel Pain Treatment (Including Plantar Fasciitis)
- Diabetic Foot Care
- Sports Medicine and Injury Management
- Foot and Ankle Surgery
- Treatment of Fungal Infections (Athlete's Foot)
- Management of Arthritic Foot Conditions
For more information on Podiatry Services, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us today.