HPV (Human Papillomavirus) tests

Do you know why you should take HPV tests? This test helps to diagnose whether you have HPV or not. It is a viral disease that can turn your normal cervical cells into abnormal cells. Mostly this disease cures itself. But certain types of HPV can be dangerous which leads to cervical cancer. To prevent that you need to take this test. If your HPV test result is negative, you need to wait 5 years to get another diagnosis. And if positive you need to take several other tests to confirm your condition. Log on to http://www.infectiousdiseasedoctor.net/  for a consultation. 

Learn more about the procedure and precautions of this test in detail in this article.  

HPV tests are used to diagnose human papillomavirus that can turn normal cervical cells into abnormal or precancerous cells. If you test positive for HPV, it means you could develop cervical cancer. HPV tests also detect cervical cancer. However, this test fails to detect HPV in men or any other form of cancer.  

HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that is caused by a virus. 200 different HPV types already affect as many as 80 million people (about twice the population of California) in the United States. While the infection cures on its own you may not know if you have HPV as it causes no symptoms. However, 13 out of 200 virus types can cause cervical cancer or other cancers.  

So, the only way to find out whether you have HPV or not is to take this test. Also, early detection helps the virus from spreading. If you know you have HPV, you can make certain lifestyle changes to protect others from the infection. If you aren’t diagnosed with HPV, you can receive a vaccination that protects you against HPV.  

What happens during the test? 

Before the test, your healthcare team will give you a list of certain things you need to follow.  

  • You cannot be tested during your periods.  
  • You should avoid certain activities before your test.  
  • You should stop using tampons, vaginal medicines, and birth control foams, douche, or have sex with your partner two days before the test.  

During the test, you need to change your clothes into a hospital gown, then lie on your back on an exam table, with your knees bent. You will rest on your feet in supports called stirrups. Your healthcare provider then uses a plastic or metal instrument called a speculum to open the vagina, so the cervix can be seen. Then, your provider uses a soft brush or plastic spatula to collect the samples of cells from the cervix. If you are also getting a Pap smear, then they use the same spatula or brush to collect samples of both tests.  

Safety precautions and risks 

While there are no major risks to having an HPV test, however, after the test, you may want to rest for a while after the procedure. During that time, healthcare providers monitor your blood pressure, pulse, and breathing.  

There are certain side effects you may experience after the procedure, including: 

  • Cramping in the stomach 
  • Bleeding  
  • Vaginal discharge 

If you experience pain, your healthcare providers will give you pain relief medication to reduce your pain. You should avoid using tampons and douche or having sex after your procedure. Ask your provider when you can resume these activities of personal care or sex.  

What do results mean?  

Your test results tell whether you have HPV or not. If your test results are negative, it means you do not have an HPV infection. Your healthcare provider asks you to wait for 5 years to get your next screening test or sooner depending on your age and health history. If you are sexually active, your healthcare provider recommends you take the HPV vaccine to protect yourself from HPV. 

If your test results are positive, then it does not mean you have cancer. But it can be a warning sign that you’re at risk of developing cervical cancer, and your healthcare provider asks you to take additional tests such as colposcopies and cervical biopsies. Also, you need to take steps to protect your partner. While there is no medical treatment for HPV (as it clears on its own) other timely tests can help you diagnose HPV and also remove the precancerous cells. 

HPV tests are used to diagnose HPV which is a viral disease that can turn normal cervical cells into abnormal precancerous cells. There are around 200 different types of HPV and 13 of them are severe. That is no cure for HPV and its symptoms heal on their own. But if you get diagnosed early, it can help to remove the precancerous cells sometimes. That’s why you need to get this test done. If your HPV test result is positive, then your doctor recommends taking certain other tests, to confirm your condition.  

Need to know about other recommended tests that tell whether you have HPV or not. Call us on +1-347-384-5690. If you need any information on infections, log on to http://www.infectiousdiseasedoctor.net/ to get a consultation. We have the best doctors that can help you and improve your quality of life!