Navigating Bipolar Medications: A Guide to Treatment Options

Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that causes extreme mood swings including mania or depression. It is also known as manic depression or bipolar disease. It also affects energy levels, thinking patterns, and behavior. These mood swings episodes can be long for hours, days, weeks, or months and interrupt your everyday life. The only way to prevent those complications is to take treatment from a doctor or psychiatrist.


Symptoms can happen in weeks, months, or even years. Mood changes can take time, that is why the symptoms of mania and depression can stick for days and weeks.

The severity of mania, hypomania, and depression can vary from person to person.

Symptoms of mania and hypomania

These symptoms of mania and hypomania happen several times in life if someone has bipolar disorder. These are the symptoms:

  • Sudden change in mood, for example being happy to angry and hostile.
  • Have many thoughts suddenly in your mind.
  • Spike in energy and don’t want to sit or sleep.
  • Irrational decisions and poor judgements.
  • Become reckless and start taking risks such as fast driving in a busy street, drinking too much, or taking drugs, and doing unprotected sex.
  • Start to feel like an important or talented person.
  • Hallucinating and delusions (happen in most severe mania episodes)

The person who experiences these episodes is unaware of the negative consequences of their actions. They can make suicidal attempts even without experiencing depressive episodes. If a person is experiencing hallucinations and delusions, you should hospitalize them to protect them and others from them.

Symptoms of depression

Symptoms of depression in bipolar disorder are like the people who experience major depression. It includes:

  • Low levels of energy and feeling tired most of the time.
  • Have no motivation to do anything.
  • Feel hopeless and worthless.
  • Lost pleasure in the things that give joy.
  • Difficulty in focusing and making decisions.
  • Sleep too much or too little.
  • Losing appetite (that makes you lose weight).
  • Suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts.
  • Look sad or cry most of the time.
  • Loneliness.

If your experience suicidal thoughts make sure you contact suicide prevention lifeline no. ____________ to prevent any casualties. Or stay with someone who can take care of you at that moment.

If you experience a mixed episode of these conditions including mania, hypomania, and depression. During this type of mixed episode, they experience negative feelings and thoughts that happen due to depression but also feel restless, agitated, or high in energy. People describe these types of episodes as the worst part of bipolar disorder.


Treatment can help people to live with bipolar disorder by improving their symptoms. Even if you have severe bipolar disorder, treatment can help you. Treatment is usually given by medication or psychotherapy, or a combination of both.

Medications such as antipsychotics, antidepressants, antidepressant-antipsychotics, and anti-anxiety medications are used to treat bipolar disorder. The medications that the doctor recommends depend on the symptoms you have. It is used to stabilize your mood.

Psychotherapy and self-management strategies like education and how to identify the symptoms before having episodes, Adopt helpful lifestyle habits such as yoga, deep breathing, meditation, and exercise act as support in addition to the primary treatment.

In case medication and therapy are not working then you must take other therapies such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). As this disease is a lifelong disease, finding the right combination that works for you is hard to do. So, don’t become impatient and wait till the doctor finds the right treatment for you.

Want to know what treatment can help to eradicate bipolar disorder? Doral Health and Wellness has the best Doctors and Psychiatrists that specialize in Behavioral health make accurate diagnoses, and craft tailored treatment programs. The medical, and rehabilitation care provided by the best our Mental health Clinic is unparalleled. Visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212.

In order to schedule a consultation with the best Mental health Clinic in East New York, please call +1-347-384-5690 or visit .