Preventing Bladder Infections: Tips for Maintaining Urinary Tract Health

The urinary tract system plays a very important role in eliminating your body’s waste, so maintaining its health is vital. If you encounter urinary tract issues, we recommend that you consult the best urogynecologists at Doral Health and Wellness – Urology Center.


The bladder, an essential part of your urinary tract system, stores urine. Neglecting its care can lead to various conditions. While you can’t control the problems and issues that may arise regarding your bladder health, there are tips that you can try to help  promote its well-being:


  1. Avoid Holding Urine
  • Use the bathroom whenever you feel the urge to pee. Holding back can weaken your bladder muscles and increase infection risk.
  • Urinate every three to four hours to prevent prolonged bladder retention.


  1. Take Your Time When Urinating
  • Fully empty your bladder by avoiding rushing during urination.
  • For women, sitting on the toilet seat rather than squatting promotes relaxation and it also empties your bladder completely.


  1. Post-Sexual Urination
  • Urinate after sexual intercourse to eliminate bacteria, this can help in reducing infection risk for both men and women.


  1. Pelvic Floor Exercises
  • Strengthen your pelvic floor muscles to prevent urine leakage during activities like sneezing or lifting heavy objects.
  • These exercises also enhance the muscles involved in when you urinate and in emptying your bladder fully.


  1. Adequate Fluid Intake
  • Drink enough fluids, especially water, to facilitate regular urination.
  • Adjust water intake based on factors like your body size, activity level, and climate where you are living. But make sure consult your healthcare provider first, especially if you have heart or kidney issues.


  1. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine intake
  • Limit or control alcohol intake to avoid worsening your bladder problems.
  • Caffeinated drinks can irritate your bladder, which can lead to increased bathroom visits.


  1. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Manage your weight and engage in regular exercise to support overall well-being.
  • Make nutritious food choices, as certain foods can trigger bladder issues.


  1. Quit Smoking
  • Smoking worsens bladder problems and increases the risk of bladder cancer.
  • Quit smoking as soon as possible for improved bladder health.


Prioritizing these tips can contribute to a healthier urinary tract system. If you encounter persistent issues, seek guidance from healthcare professionals at Doral Health and Wellness – Urology Center.


Having bladder problems can disrupt your day-to-day routine. Know your symptoms and always try to stay healthy. You can consult the best urogynecologist near you, or in Brooklyn, East New York, by visiting Doral Health and Wellness – Urology Center. You can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York to book an appointment. You can also call us at 1-347-384-5690 or visit our website at to book an appointment online.