Safe and Effective Mole Removal Techniques: Exploring Your Options

Planning for a mole removal procedure but don’t know anything about the procedures? How many are there? What to expect? Read this article to learn about the common options available for mole removal and the guidelines you should follow for mole removal treatment. If you notice changes in the appearance of your skin, you can consult the best dermatologist in East New York. Please contact Doral Health and Wellness Dermatology Center.


Mole removal techniques

There are many mole removal techniques available now, each one has its pros and cons. Your doctor chooses which mole removal technique is right for you based on factors like size, location, type of mole, and your health, and personal preferences regarding different mole removal techniques. Here are the most common mole removal techniques:

  1. Surgical excision: It is a classic method that dermatologists use to remove moles and skin tags. In this procedure, the doctor gives you a local anesthetic to the area of the skin where you have the mole to numb it so that you don’t feel any pain. Once the area goes numb, they use surgical scissors to cut the mole out. Sometimes these moles go deep underneath the skin, which needs a deeper excision to take place which may require stitching it up for a while, a scar may remain after the skin heals. Your stitches may be removed in 2 weeks when your wound has healed completely.
  2. Shave excision: This procedure is similar to surgical excision, but instead of cutting the mole, it is removed by shaving using a scalpel. This is another surgical option besides excision, it’s also less invasive; here only the top layer of the mole is removed. The depth of the incision may depend on the circumstances. It can provide a tissue sample for analysis, and people are generally pleased with the results after healing. However, it is not useful for deep tumor margins, so it can’t be used to detect different types of skin cancer.

In this procedure, the doctor gives you a local anesthetic and uses a single or double-bladed razor to shave the growth off the level of the skin around it. It may cause light burn around the area, and you may not need stitches and it causes minimal to no scarring. It’s popular for removing moles raised above the skin surface.

  1. Cryotherapy: In this procedure, the doctor uses liquid nitrogen on the mole to freeze it which causes blisters to fall off. It may cause some discomfort during the process. The doctor applies liquid nitrogen with a cotton swab on the mole to freeze the cells inside the lesion, destroy them, and remove them when the body’s immune system forms a scab, and it falls off. This procedure is used to freeze warts, skin tags, harmless moles, blood spots, solar keratosis, and sunspots. This procedure is fast, almost painless, and effective, but sometimes you may require additional procedures to achieve the desired result depending on the size and depth of the lesion.
  2. Punch excision: This procedure is also known as punch biopsy, where full excision is used to cut out the entire mole. It can leave a small scar or none, however, it is only performed on moles that are quite small. The doctor gives a small amount of local anesthetic around the mole area to numb it before the procedure. It is very less invasive because the doctor uses a special tool to remove the desired portion of skin from the target area. The diameter of the area is quite small, so no stitches are required. After the procedure, your skin looks like it has been pierced by a sharp object.
  3. Laser therapy: This is the newest mole removal method which involves a beam of light to remove moles that are not too thick. It is a good option for non-cancerous moles which occur in places that are hard to remove. As there is no need to make any incision here, they simply put the mole under the beam of light, which destroys the skin cells that make up the mole. You can consider laser therapy to remove your mole if it occurs on the ear or face compared to surgery.

Mole removal treatment guidelines

While mole removal is a safe procedure, you need to follow some specific guidelines to approach these procedures with caution to ensure your safety. Here are the main guidelines you should follow when you are taking mole removal treatment:

  • You should schedule a consultation with a trusted dermatologist, and then discuss the different ways of mole removal choices based on the size, location, and color of the mole.
  • Discuss with your doctor about any allergies, medical conditions, or medication that you’re This information is important to ensure your safety and to choose the right treatment options.
  • You should talk about your expectations from the mole removal in detail with your dermatologist. This information helps the doctor to adjust the process according to your cosmetic objectives.
  • Your dermatologist may recommend one of the mole removal methods like excision surgery, shave excision, laser removal, or cryotherapy. They also explain the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
  • Mole removal procedures are done in dermatology clinics and the doctor will give you local anesthesia to reduce the pain.
  • You need to follow the instructions given by your dermatologist post-procedure to promote proper healing and reduce the risk of infection or scarring.
  • Apply any prescribed ointments or dressing and avoid sunlight contact on the treated area.
  • Make sure you attend all the appointments given by your doctor to observe the healing process and report any sign of infection, excessive bleeding, severe pain, or any unusual changes in the treated area.
  • If you are concerned about scarring, then you should discuss it with your doctor. They may recommend some treatments like silicone gel sheets or laser therapy.
  • Regularly examine your skin and schedule periodic skin checkups to monitor any changes or new mole formation in existing ones.

All mole removal techniques are safe and effective for mole removal. Your doctor will discuss the best options with you based on the size, location, and type of mole. They properly guide you on what you should expect after the procedure and how you should take care of the wound after the procedure to prevent infection or scarring to get free from the mole permanently.


Looking for a way to remove your mole, visit our dermatology clinic in Brooklyn to get professional mole removal procedures. Call us to book your appointment now! At Doral Health and Wellness Dermatology Center, we have the best dermatologists that can help you take care of your skin. As dermatology experts in East New York, we are dedicated to providing the best services. You can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York to schedule an appointment. You can also call us at 1-347-384-5690 or visit our website at