Behavioral Health
At Doral Health & Wellness, our driving focus and purpose are to offer a fully comprehensive, immersive, and holistic healthcare experience. The Experience is designed from a patient-centered, driven focus specifically for Bedford Stuyvesant, Brownsville, and East New York communities. It encourages strong communication, cooperation, and collaboration among our agencies to ensure we can continue delivering quality services to our children and families.
Your Doctor's Qualifications:
Our specialist has the following education and credentials:
- Medical school, followed by several years of training under experienced doctors and surgeons
- Qualifications for a license to practice medicine in New York State
- Additional training and board certification in various types of surgery
Doral Health & Wellness Cares
At Doral Health & Wellness, we are proud of our commitment to the Brownsville and East New York Community to provide integrated, interdisciplinary health services in a progressive medical facility dedicated to the health and well-being of our patients. We partner with insurance companies, managed care organizations and hospitals in the area in order to treat our patients with the highest level of care and respect.
Provides and addresses the following therapeutic supportive interventions:
- Criminal and civil cases that deals directly with psychotic, predatory behaviors within individuals recently released from a correctional setting.
- Includes termination of parental rights in cases of violence against children and evidence of domestic violence.
- They fight against oppression that is exhibited through exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, violence, criminalization, and cultural dominance or imperialism.
- The handling of child custody, juvenile arrest, and child maltreatment, elder abuse, divorce, civil disputes and criminal offending and imprisonment.
- The wide reach of the field of forensic social work touches the fields of healthcare, education, and immigration.
- Crisis counseling, depression management, conflict resolution, anxiety, bipolar, (OCD)
Provides and addresses the following therapeutic supportive interventions:
- Bio-psychosocial philosophy in treatment of varying emotional disorders.
- Therapeutic assessment on developmental trauma.
- Evaluations on trauma impacted patients cognitive functioning.
- Treating of patients with emotional and mood disorders.
- Addresses geriatric mental health, direct and secondary trauma.
- Women’s health, crisis management.
- Bipolar.
- Schizophrenia.
- Dissociative disorder.
- Borderline personality.
The Behavioral Health department MFT clinician treat individuals, couples, groups, and families. During treatment with an MFT, the therapist will focus on understanding the patients’ symptoms and diagnoses within interactions and relationships.
Family therapy is a preferred method of treatment for depression, alcoholism, relational discord problems, and child/adolescent-parental challenges including suicide and high-risk behavior. Family therapy outcomes for severe mental illness include improved well-being, fewer medical illnesses, decreased medical care utilization, and increased self-efficacy.
Provides the following supportive:
- Therapeutic assessment on developmental trauma.
- Depression & Anxiety Management Counseling.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
- Male Sexual Dysfunction.
- Challenging Behaviors/Coping and Family Transition
Addresses all areas of intimate partner violence and focuses of building the emotional structure of the relationship with an additional focus on community, communication to mitigate the repeated behaviors associated with anger and violence.
- Individual and Group counseling.
- Exposure Therapy.
- Anger Management Counseling.
- Relationship Focus Therapy.
- Intimate and Sexual Performance Anxiety.
- Immigration Support and Advocacy.
- HRA Application Support.
- Supportive Housing Placement.
- Homeless Redirection Support.
- Community Re-entry Intervention.
- Travel Training Support.
- Education & Job Placement Support.
- State Document Preparation.
- Medication Management.
- Social Security Advocacy.
Meet Our Doctors
Our administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills and trained to assist you with all medical enquiries. Doctors will be available from 8 am : 12 am , kindly call to confirm your Appointment.