Kidney Stones: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Kidney stones, or also called renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis, are made of hard deposits of minerals and salts that are formed in your kidneys. Kidney stones are usually small, they can be as tiny as a grain of salt or as big as a corn kernel. Depending on the size of your kidney stones, […]
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¿Qué es un nefrólogo?

¿Conoces la diferencia entre un nefrólogo y un urólogo? ¿También está confundido a quién acudir cuando tiene problemas con su riñón? Siga leyendo para saber qué es un nefrólogo y qué afecciones trata.  Un nefrólogo es un médico que se ocupa del tratamiento y las enfermedades del riñón. Es un médico experto en el cuidado […]
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¿Se pueden prevenir los cálculos renales?

Los cálculos en los riñones son depósitos minerales que se concentran lo suficiente en la orina para formar cristales en los riñones y causar dolor severo cuando pasan a través del tracto urinario y se quedan estancados.  El tratamiento para los cálculos renales está disponible en el centro urológico de Doral Health and Wellness. Tenemos […]
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Kidney stones

Kidney stones, also called renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis, are made of hard deposits of minerals and salts that are formed in the kidneys. Kidney stones are usually small, they can be as tiny as a grain of salt or as big as a corn kernel. Depending on the size of your kidney stones, you […]
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Can You Prevent Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are mineral deposits that become concentrated enough in the urine to form crystals in the kidney and cause severe pain when they pass in the urinary tract and get stuck.  Kidney stones treatment is available at Doral Health and Wellness Urology Center. We have the best nephrologist in Brooklyn to help you with your condition. […]
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Who is a Nephrologist?

Can you tell the difference between a nephrologist and a urologist? Are you confused about who to turn to when you have problems with your kidney? Read on to know who a nephrologist is, and what conditions they treat.   A nephrologist is a medical doctor that deals with the treatment and diseases of the […]
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Common Kidney Diseases

The kidney is the organ that removes waste and extra fluid in the body. It also removes acid produced by the cells of the body and maintains a healthy balance of water, salt, and minerals in the blood. Your kidneys play a significant role in maintaining your blood pressure, electrolyte balance, hemoglobin levels, and many […]
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