Health Corner

Health corner is your go-to for health-related articles. Doral Health & Wellness is dedicated to empowering the community with knowledge for a healthier lifestyle.

Did you know that studies reveal that women experience more stress than men? Studies show that women experience more stressors...

Are you suffering from acne, mood swings, headaches, vaginal dryness, and many more inexplicable symptoms? If yes, chances are you’re...

Did you know that studies reveal that women experience more stress than men? Studies show that women experience more stressors...

In the new year 2025, if one of your goals is to get glowing, healthy skin, then, you are in...

Are you wondering if your urological issues are connected to stress and anxiety? The answer is yes. As our body...

During the menstrual period, women experience menstrual pain which affects their lower abdomen and lower back (in most cases). This...

According to the American Cancer Society, people at the average age of 45 or above are at risk of colon...

Did you know that 40% of Americans experience anxiety and stress-related stomach issues at some point in their lives? This...


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