The Different Types Of Urologic Cancer

Urologic cancer is a cancer disease that affects the organs of both male and female urinary systems, including the reproductive system of men. The urinary tract system is responsible in filtering your blood and removing waste and excess water in your body. This system in your body acts as its drainage system. We have the […]
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Blood In Your Urine: What Could It Be?

Seeing blood in your urine could be a little scary. Although in some instances it can be harmless, blood in urine, or hematuria, can be a cause of a serious underlying medical disorder. We have the best urologist at Doral Health and Wellness Urology Center that can help you with your condition. You can contact […]
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Testicular Cancer: Symptoms and Risk Factors

Testicular cancer happens when a malignant cell develops in the tissues of one or both of your testicles. It can affect you at any age, but it is more common between ages 15 to 35 years old. You have two testicles, that are part of your male reproductive system. They are shaped like walnuts and […]
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Urinary Incontinence: An Overview

Urinary incontinence is a condition where you lose control over your bladder. Its severity ranges from occasional leaking when sneezing or coughing, to a sudden and strong urge to urinate that you don’t get to the toilet in time. This condition is more common in older people, especially women.  Bladder control issues can prevent you […]
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What is Prostatectomy

The removal of your prostate may be necessary if you have prostate cancer, have severe urinary problems, or have an enlarged prostate. This kind of surgery is called a prostatectomy. For more information about this procedure, you can visit our Prostatectomy Care Clinic at Doral Health and Wellness – Urology Center. Prostatectomy is a surgical […]
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The Importance of Urologist

Our urinary tract system gets rid of our body’s excess liquid waste. The kidney filters the blood and removes everything the body doesn’t use. These organs should work smoothly until it doesn’t. Sometimes things could go wrong, and the natural functions of these organs fail. That’s why it is important to have a urologist and […]
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Bladder Stones

Bladder stones are the hardened mineral deposit that forms in the bladder. Sometimes they don’t cause any symptoms and pass out of the body on their own, but sometimes they need medical procedures to be removed. We have the best urologist at Doral Health and Wellness Urology Center that can help you if you start […]
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Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer begins when the cells in the prostate gland start to grow out of control. Your prostate glands are the ones responsible for making some fluid that is part of your semen. The prostate is located below the bladder and in front of your rectum. We have the best urologist at Doral Health and […]
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Management of Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction

Neurogenic bowel dysfunction, or simply bowel dysfunction, is the loss of normal bowel function, this is also often caused by a nerve problem. If you have an injury to the spinal cord or a nerve disease, it may also damage the nerves that help control the function of your colon (this is the part of […]
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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) happens when the prostate and its surrounding tissue swell. This condition is also called prostate enlargement, which usually occurs as men get older. This is not cancer and does not increase the risk of having prostate cancer. If you have problems with your prostate, you can have your prostate ultrasound and […]
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