Thyroid Nodule Biopsy

If your doctor detects a thyroid swelling/nodule, your doctor may order a thyroid biopsy, which is a medical diagnostic test to check the nodules. Nodules are quite common in the thyroid, which may cause different problems, but rarely cancer. Some conditions can grow in the thyroid called goiter, which requires treatment. Understand the different types of thyroid biopsies in this article. Log on to for a consultation.



Types of Thyroid Nodule Biopsy

Several types of thyroid biopsies are similar in terms of accuracy, but some types possess more risks than others. It includes:

  1. Fine needle aspiration (FNA):

It is a safe and simple procedure performed under ultrasound (to ensure accurate placement of the needle inside the thyroid nodule). You need to lie down on your back with your head tipped backward so that you extend your neck. Sometimes, the doctor places a pillow under your shoulders to help you get in the best position for the biopsy.

During the procedure, the doctor first cleans the neck with an antiseptic cream. For the biopsy, the doctor will use a very thin needle to withdraw cells from the thyroid nodule. This needle is smaller in diameter than those used in most blood draws. That needle is guided by ultrasound when inserted into your skin into the thyroid nodule. After taking the sampling, the doctor removes the needle. New needles may be used for additional samples. Several samples of cells may be obtained by sticking fine needles in various parts of the nodules (2 to 6 times). This helps the doctor to find cancerous cells (if they are present). If there’s a fluid in the nodule, a syringe may be used to drain it. Once the biopsy is completed, the doctor applies pressure on the area in your neck. The procedure usually lasts less than 30 minutes and the doctor puts a small bandage where the needle was inserted. Then, the doctor asks you to take a rest for the day.


  1. Core needle biopsy:

In case a fine needle biopsy is not able to produce clear results, your doctor may recommend a core needle biopsy. While the procedure is similar, the main difference is instead of a small or thin needle, the doctor uses a larger needle to get better accuracy.

However, due to the larger needle, this procedure increases the risk of injuring the trachea and the carotid artery. That’s why a fine needle is a more popular choice for biopsy.


  1. Surgical biopsy:

This method of thyroid biopsy is rarely used because it requires cutting directly on the nodule to open it and remove a tissue sample. It may even mean to remove half your thyroid. As it’s surgery, you need to take medicines that make you sleep during the operation (anesthesia), and it also increases your recovery time.


If you notice any lump in your neck, visit our endocrinology clinic in Brooklyn for professional medical support. Want to learn what symptoms occur when you have thyroid nodules? Call us on +13473845690 and get answers for all your queries. Log on to or visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212 to book an appointment with our endocrinologist to get the best treatment. We have the best endocrinologists who treat these kinds of diseases and helpful staff to aid you during your treatment.