Top 5 Signs and Symptoms that Indicate the Need for Venous Ultrasound

Did you know the signs when you need a venous ultrasound? This ultrasound test is used to measure the amount of blood flow in the arteries and veins of your arms and legs. It can detect abnormal blood flow within an artery (or blood vessels) which helps detect severe vascular diseases such as blood clots and poor circulation which may lead to stroke. So, learn the 5 most common signs that indicate the need for a venous ultrasound to find the underlying cause and get treatment on time to prevent severe complications. Get a consultation with the best cardiologists in Brooklyn.

5 signs you need a venous ultrasound

Here are the most common signs of vascular disease that you may need to take a venous ultrasound:

  1. You feel pain when you walk:

This type of pain is also called window shopping pain or claudication, which is a sign of vascular disease. It occurs when your legs get sore when you walk for a longer period. It may relieve you when you stop and get rest.

This usually happens when your legs don’t get enough blood, especially when you walk. If you feel pain even at rest or develop ulcers, then you’re experiencing advanced signs of peripheral artery disease.

  1. Shortness of breath:

Our body systems are interconnected and work as a whole; they may affect each other as well. Similarly, vascular and respiratory systems are intricately connected. If the blood supply doesn’t reach an area of the body, it impacts your lung’s working capacity making it run harder than necessary to supply oxygen.

  1. Your legs have signs such as swelling, aches, discoloration, and developing ulcers or wounds:

These signs occur when you have diseases of the veins that are called venous diseases. This disease occurs when you have varicose veins, and blood vessels that are enlarged and ropey (on your thighs, knees, and calves) that are visible as purple or red on your legs. Similarly, you may notice spider veins (which look like swollen capillaries) due to smaller blood vessels.

These veins indicate a serious underlying vascular condition because conditions like venous diseases can lead to blood clots in the lungs and cause an embolism. If you experience these symptoms, visit your primary care physician to be evaluated.

  1. You experience blurred vision and tingling, numbness, and weakness in one side of your body:

These symptoms occur due to stroke, which is a medical emergency. Two kinds of stroke may occur. One is ischemic stroke occurs when your brain doesn’t receive enough oxygen from blood due to blockage. Another is hemorrhagic stroke which occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts.

A stroke is a medical emergency because it may cause your brain tissue to die or lead to permanent disability, brain damage, or death.

  1. You may experience sudden, severe abdominal and back pain:

It occurs when an aneurysm happens (a weakening of the arterial wall that makes it so thin that it bursts like balloons). Most aneurysms occur in the aorta, but they may happen in any region of any artery throughout the body, including your brain, leg, or heart. Aneurysms are dangerous if they rupture because they cause life-threatening bleeding.

These are the 5 signs that indicate the need for venous ultrasound for diagnosis to rule out the underlying vascular condition and provide the necessary treatment to improve your condition.

If you need more information or help with any heart issues, visit our cardiology clinic in Brooklyn to get proper medical attention. For any heart problems, call us on +1(347) 384-5690. The Cardiologists at Doral Health & Wellness consistently have outstanding patient satisfaction ratings. The professionals at Heart Specialist Brooklyn are able to greatly improve their patient’s health and quality of life because of their vast training and experience. New Yorkers can get the greatest medical, surgical, and cardiovascular care at Doral Health & Wellness Brooklyn. Visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212.