Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult Cardiac Care

Most children can easily cope with a heart problem during the transition from teenage to adulthood phase. You need to educate and support them enough to make sure they can manage their condition. These tips work as a guide for teens with heart conditions on how they can successfully manage their conditions and lead a better life. Get a consultation with the best cardiologists in Brooklyn.

What questions to ask your healthcare provider?

These are the questions you need to ask about heart defects and related health conditions from your healthcare provider:

  • Details of heart disease and how do you describe it to a child?
  • What are the treatment methods you are going to use and any alternatives such as heart surgeries and medications?
  • What medication do you prescribe and their dosages? How does this medication help, and any side effects I should expect?
  • How will I be able to identify any signs of any new heart problems in my child?
  • What lifestyle changes do I need my child to follow including physical activity and diet changes?
  • How regularly do I need to bring my child for follow-up appointments for check-ups?
  • Are there any risk factors that happen as an adult?
  • Should I need my child to get a flu shot or other vaccines such as the COVID-19 vaccine?
  • Are there any other conditions or concerns that may develop due to heart condition?
  • What emergency services do you offer in case of emergencies?
  • Are there any other services we should consider during the transition from pediatric to adult heart care?

What type of services and treatments can you expect?

You need to understand that treatments show a high success rate when children follow necessary treatment and lifestyle changes during their transition phase. This result shows that more adults with congenital heart disease than children living with this condition in the US. Patients frequently go for years without requiring any treatment. However, adult congenital heart care frequently necessitates multidisciplinary treatment. As a result of the patient’s underlying ailment, kidney, liver, or lung concerns may arise, or people may develop adult-based health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or coronary artery disease as they age. It is also possible that there will never be a problem, thus patients with congenital cardiac disease should be monitored on a regular basis.

Treatment is usually given by medications, catheter procedures, lifestyle changes, heart-assisted devices, and surgical procedures depending on the heart problem. Your child may need to receive a long-term evaluation and treatment. As the child grows, throughout their teen years into adulthood, around 90 to 95% of children can survive their heart problems.

You must also consider the social fabric of their life. Patients mature and obtain employment. They frequently relocate to another city or country, marry, and desire to have children of their own.

If you need help with your heart condition, visit our cardiology clinic in Brooklyn. Our cardiologists ensure your child receives the best treatment and management tips for a better life with their condition. To book your appointment, call us on +1(347) 384-5690. The Cardiologists at Doral Health & Wellness consistently have outstanding patient satisfaction ratings. The professionals at Heart Specialist Brooklyn are able to greatly improve their patient’s health and quality of life because of their vast training and experience. New Yorkers can get the greatest medical, surgical, and cardiovascular care at Doral Health & Wellness Brooklyn. Visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212.