What is Plantar Plate Repair


Surgery performed by podiatrists to fix a torn or damaged plantar plate is known as plantar plate repair. The metatarsophalangeal joints are stabilized by the plantar plate, a fibrous ligament found in the foot’s ball. Wear and tear is a common cause of plantar plate injuries. Overpronation, often known as rolling the foot inward, is a common cause. Podiatrist Brownsville keeps in close touch with the folks at Doral Health and Wellness. They check up on patients, treat injuries, and do surgery on the lower limbs. If you have problems with your feet as a result of diabetes, you can also visit a Diabetic Foot Doctor. 

What signs and symptoms do you typically see when the plantar plate is damaged? 

Injuries to the plantar plate typically cause the following symptoms: 

  • Experiencing excruciating discomfort when wriggling or moving the toes 
  • Bones in the feet moving around 
  • Symptoms of puffiness or redness in the area of the feet 
  • The feeling that you’re stepping directly on your foot’s bones 

It’s possible that if you hurt your plantar plate, your toes will feel like they have no padding or support. 

Who exactly can get the plantar plate repair? 

A Podiatrist will evaluate your health information and ask you questions about your symptoms to decide if plantar plate repair is a viable treatment option for you. 

After collecting this data, your doctor will conduct a thorough examination of your toes and feet and may recommend diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays or an MRI.

Treatment by Incision 

If the toe is painful and stiff from a previous injury or if the pain persists due to a deformity despite non-surgical care, surgery may be recommended. With surgical intervention, it is possible to straighten the toe deformity, heal the plantar plate rupture, and alleviate pain. Most of these procedures are performed at outpatient surgical centers and only take a single day. Depending on the extent of the damage and your desired outcome, your surgeon will discuss the available alternatives and suggest a course of therapy. 

Mend the plantar plate 

One of two incision sites is used, the top of the toe (the more typical location) or under the ball of the foot (less common). The orthopedic surgeon for your feet and ankles may have to make a cut in the metatarsal bone to access the ligament, and in rare situations, they may also reduce the bone to alleviate some of the load on the joint. The plantar plate can be repaired using sutures, usually through tiny holes drilled into the toe bone. Protecting the repair with a pin after it has been made to the toe. About six weeks after surgery, you’ll return to your surgeon’s office to have the pin removed. The pinning will keep the toe from flexing and shield the repair as it heals. 

Direct restoration often results in a recovery time of between 4 and 8 weeks in people who are healthy. Healing of the plantar plate, a thick ligament, is a slow process that cannot be drastically sped up. Patients will need to use crutches if they need to stay off their feet while the mend heals. Depending on the nature of the foot injury, the patient may need to wear a cast, a detachable boot, or a surgical shoe. It’s possible that recuperation time will vary depending on whether or not more surgery is needed to fix the hammer toe (at the present time). Normal shoewear can be resumed anywhere between 4 and 8 weeks after plantar plate surgery. 

The Podiatrist at Doral Health & Wellness has extensive education and training to provide a precise diagnosis of conditions affecting the legs and feet. Many disorders of the foot are discussed, including their musculoskeletal aspects. The moment has come to visit the Foot Pain Doctor Brooklyn. Podiatrists Brownsville treat a wide variety of foot and ankle injuries, from sprains to broken bones. Doral Health and Wellness is located at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212. To make an appointment, call us at 1-347-384-5690 or visit http://www.podiatristsbrooklyn.com/.