What is the most effective way to control the transmission of infection?
Washing your hands properly and thoroughly is the most effective way to control the transmission of infection. But there are other important ways too which are essential to prevent the infection.
Infectious diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Some of these microorganisms even live on our bodies. While they are harmless, in certain conditions, these microorganisms can cause disease. These infections can be transmitted by the infected people by coming in connection with their body fluids, with contaminated food and water, or getting exposed to those microorganisms in the environment. Mild infection symptoms can cure themselves with rest and home remedies while severe infections can be life-threatening and need immediate treatment to save the individuals. Talk to a specialist for infectious diseases if you have any concerns.
That is the reason, you should know the ways to prevent the infection. Learn about them in this article.
Can the spread of infectious diseases be prevented?
Well, the answer is yes. You can reduce your risk of infectious disease and prevent certain illnesses altogether. While you can prevent the transmission of infections, there is no single way that is 100% effective at preventing disease. That’s why you should adopt habits that prevent transmission (such as taking recommended vaccinations and properly washing your hands) and work together to get an extra layer of protection.
Prevention strategies
The most common prevention strategies that you should follow to prevent the spread of infection are:
Vaccines are one of the most effective ways to prevent infectious diseases, they boost your immune system to recognize and fight off infections. However, some people can get sick with a disease even after vaccination, but symptoms are less severe than they get without the vaccination.
Vaccination shots are given in one or two doses at several days or months intervals. These vaccinations are also recommended for children or adolescents. And if you are planning to travel, make sure you take or have all recommended vaccinations for your destination before you go.
Vaccines are available for many infectious diseases such as:
- chicken pox,
- Hepatitis A and B,
- Influenza,
- COVID -19,
- Malaria,
- Measles,
- polio,
- Tuberculosis, etc.
Good hygiene
- Properly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water, especially after using the bathroom, before preparing or eating food, or after gardening or contacting soil or animals. If you are sick wash your hands after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, and after you visit a crowded place or care for a sick person. After washing your hands, dry them properly.
- Use a tissue when you sneeze or cough to cover your mouth and nose and later dispose of them. If you don’t have a tissue, use your elbow to cover instead of your hands.
- Clean your cuts properly. Any serious cut or injury by an animal or a human bite should be examined by a doctor.
- Avoid squeezing pimples, sores, wounds, or blemishes.
- Do not share your personal clothes or items such as undergarments, dishes, glasses, or eating utensils.
- Avoid contact with napkins, tissues, handkerchiefs, or items used by others.
- Clean or disinfect most touched surfaces, things, and objects in your home and workplace.
- Avoid drinking contaminated water.
- Don’t swim in ponds, oceans, or contaminated water.
- Use condoms during sexual activities.
- Wear a mask if you are sick or going to a crowded place.
- Prevent mosquito bites by using bug repellents.
Safe food handling
- Before preparing or after eating wash your hands properly.
- Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
- Cook food properly at a safe temperature before eating.
- Wash the surfaces and utensils you use during food preparation.
- Don’t consume uncooked or undercooked food, especially seafood.
- Avoid drinking untreated water or unpasteurized milk.
- Use only the microwave and refrigerator to defrost your food.
Travel precautions
- Keep an insect repellent if you are traveling to an area where insect-borne diseases are common.
- Get or take with you all the recommended vaccinations before leaving your country.
- Avoid consuming ice while traveling as freezing does not kill all water-borne infections.
- Drink only bottled drinks that have secure caps. Avoid fruit juices that are made with impure local water.
- Use boiled water before drinking or for cooking and other purposes.
- Avoid eating uncooked food, especially vegetables or fruits that you haven’t peeled yourself.
- Avoid consuming dairy products.
Sexual precautions
STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease) can be prevented if you take these precautions:
- Practice safe sex and have one sexual partner.
- Take HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and other STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) tests to make sure that both you and your partner are safe.
If you have a new sex partner, then make sure they are tested, and take the following precautions:
- Use a latex or polyurethane condom or a female condom before vaginal or oral sex.
- During anal sex, use a latex or polyurethane condom.
Insect-borne infections prevention
- Cover yourself fully and use bug repellents such as DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. If they still bite you, reapply the repellent.
- Go outside less frequently during peak mosquito hours of early morning and evening.
- Clean the places and surfaces where water can stay for long hours, as it is perfect for mosquito breeding.
- Make sure your neighborhood is clean and make sure there is no stagnant water (in potholes, containers, trashcans, etc.) that makes mosquitoes breed.
- Wear light-colored clothes outside to reduce the attacks of insects, as they’re commonly attracted to dark-colored clothes. While hiking on trails, stay in the center of the trail to avoid ticks from bushes and branches of the trees. When you’re back, check your clothes and body for ticks and your pet before allowing them inside.
- If you find a tick on yourself or your pet, grasp it firmly and remove it by pulling steadily. Clean the area and apply the antiseptic cream. Keep an eye on the area for a couple of weeks for signs of rash or swelling.
There are many ways to prevent the transmission of infections, but you need to understand that not a single way is 100% effective to prevent infectious diseases.
Looking into treatment for infectious diseases, Visit our team of Specialists for infectious diseases at Doral Health & Wellness on 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212. Call us on 718-DORAL-55 or 13473845690 to get a free consultation from our clinic or log on to https://doralhw.org/.
So, what are you waiting for? Book your appointment now and solve your problems.