
An allergy is an immune system response to an antigen that is not harmful to most people. Many people who suffer from allergies have multiple sensitivities. Pollen is a common irritant that can set off allergic reactions in some people. 

  • Mites
  • The spores of mold
  • Pet dander 
  • Food
  • Stings from insects
  • Medicines

It’s normal for your body’s immune system to fight off disease-causing microbes. You have a defense system built into your body. However, in most cases, the body’s immune system reacts to a bogus threat. Genes and the surrounding environment likely play a role in this. 

In addition to a runny nose and sneezing, allergies can also cause itching, rashes, swelling, and even asthma. The severity of an allergy attack can range from mild to life-threatening. Anaphylaxis is a potentially fatal reaction. Allergies are diagnosed by doctors through skin and blood tests. Medications, allergy shots, and avoiding the substances that trigger reactions are all options for treatment. 

When exposed to pollen or dust, people with allergies may develop itchy, swollen skin and congested upper respiratory passages. You’ll learn about the causes of allergies and how to manage them at home, including measures like using the best air purifiers and limiting your exposure to the allergen. 

The physical manifestation of allergies depends on the type of allergen and the method of entry into the body. A rash on the skin, swelling, and a burning sensation in the skin are all symptoms of exposure to skin allergens, while pollen allergens can cause a runny nose, and unable to breathe properly.  

The following are some common allergens: 

  • Nuts, eggs, and seafood 
  • Penicillin and sulfur-containing drugs are examples of drugs 
  • Venomous stings, such as those from wasps or bees 
  • grass and tree pollen are examples of plant products 
  • Pet dander and other animal waste 

Anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction caused by an overactive immune system in response to a specific allergen, can occur if a person is hypersensitive to one or more of these allergens. 

Anaphylaxis is characterized by a drop in blood pressure, difficulty breathing, and severe allergic reactions. It is a life-threatening situation that necessitates immediate hospitalization 

Type 1 hypersensitivities are the most common, followed by Type II, Type III, and Type IV overreactions. Some of the most common allergies are caused by hypersensitivity type 1 (i.e., hay fever). Dust mites, pollens, food, and animal dander are among them. There are many different types of hypersensitivities that can lead to overreactions of the immune system. From minor rashes to life-threatening autoimmune diseases, these can affect anyone. 

What is a skin prick test for allergies? 

An allergy is an overreaction of the body’s immune system or hypersensitivity. Foreign substances like viruses and bacteria are normally dealt with by your body’s immune system. Dust or pollen can cause an allergic reaction because the immune system sees them as a threat. Your immune system reacts to counteract this perceived danger, resulting in an allergic reaction. One of the most severe reactions to an allergen is an anaphylactic shock, a condition in which the body’s immune system goes into overdrive and attacks the body’s tissues. 

In addition to treating minor ailments and injuries quickly, the team at Doral Health & Wellness Urgent Care also offers comprehensive treatment for a wide range of coexisting conditions. In addition to x-rays, lab tests and diagnostic and physical examinations, and skin tests for allergies, we also have on-site facilities for screenings. 

At Doral Health and Wellness, we have a family doctor that can help you manage your allergic reactions. For more information, you can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, 11212, or call us at 1-347-384-5690. You can also visit our website at or contact us at if you have any queries. We have the best primary care doctor in Brooklyn to provide you with the best comprehensive medical care and health care services.