Common Fungal infections

Fungal infections happen when you encounter a tiny fungus such as mold or mildew. Fungi are everywhere around us. And only half of them are harmful. If you come into contact with harmful fungi, you can get an infection. Its symptoms show in the form of a rash, swollen bump, or red itchy spot on your skin. Talk to a specialist for infectious diseases if you have any concerns. 

While most of them don’t make you sick, they are curable. But in case you have a weaker immune system, you need to be cautious about them as they can be dangerous for you. Noticing the symptoms and taking treatment can help you prevent them by consulting a doctor of Infectious diseases. 

Common fungal infections 

There are 5 types of fungal infections that are commonly found:  

  1. Athlete’s foot 
  2. Yeast infection 
  3. Jock itch 
  4. Ringworm 
  5. Nail fungus 
  • Athlete’s foot (Tinea pedis): This is the most common fungal infection that affects a person’s foot. This is mostly associated with athletes and sportspeople because they perform lots of physical activity and their body is warm as they wear shoes for a long time or walk barefoot in public bathrooms or locker rooms where fungus can easily spread to their feet, as fungi need warm and moist places to grow. They grow on the feet and start itching, burning, cracking, and peeling foot skin. You can prevent it by wearing shower socks at your gym, locker, and bathing rooms. Wash your feet regularly and dry them before wearing socks or shoes.  
  • Yeast Infection: This infection is mostly found in women due to high estrogen levels, especially in pregnant women who take high doses of estrogen birth pills. Vaginal yeast infection is the most common form and is usually caused by candida overgrowth. This fungi overgrowth can disrupt the balance of bacteria or yeast in the vagina and can cause irritation, itchiness in the vagina, and redness or soreness around the vagina. Its treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms. But you can prevent this infection by eating a balanced diet and maintaining proper hygiene.  
  • Jock itch (Tinea Crucis): This form of fungal infection infects the groin area of men and women. This type of fungus grows in warm and damp environments or moist areas of the body like the groin, thighs, or buttocks. It causes itching and a red rash in the infected area. It is more commonly found in warm and humid areas of the world. You can prevent jock itch by keeping your groin clean and dry, wearing clean clothes and undergarments every day, and avoiding tight clothes.  
  • Ringworm (Tinea Corporis): This form of fungal infection grows on the dead tissues of skin, hair, and nails. It causes a red circular, itchy fungal infection that can occur on the neck or scalp. This infection is easily transferrable from coming in contact with an infected person. Do not even share personal items such as towels, handkerchiefs, combs, etc. You can prevent it by keeping your body clean and dry.  
  • Nail fungus (onychomycosis): This form of fungal infection is seen on nails and causes them to get brittle, weak, discolored, and thick- which can break easily. It usually affects the toenails more than the fingernails. You can prevent it by keeping your hands and feet clean and dry. Wear dry socks and change them often. You can wear wider shoes to avoid cramping toes and don’t share your nail clippers with others.  


Want to know about fungal infection? At Doral Health and Wellness, we have doctors of Infectious Diseases that can help you manage your condition. For more information, you can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, 11212, or call us at 1-347-384-5690. You can also visit our website at or contact us at if you have any queries.