The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Healthy and Glowing Skin

Are you worried about dull, tired-looking skin? If yes, this guide is just for you. Keeping skin healthy and glowing is one of the most common challenges for many people. However, it is not difficult to do it once you know what to do. Here’s an ultimate guide to achieving healthy and glowing skin just for you to keep skin glowing and healthy in the long run. Please contact Doral Health and Wellness Dermatology Center.



Guide to Achieving Healthy and Glowing Skin

Achieving healthy and glowing skin is one of the goals of many people for various reasons, however, skin is often neglected and is one of the most important parts of the body. Having healthy glowing skin is a sign of good health and prevents early aging and other skin issues. Here is a guide that help you achieve healthy glowing skin with the necessary measures:

  1. Diet:

A healthy diet plays an important role in how you look and keeps your skin healthy. That’s why you should consume a healthy diet to get healthy and glowing skin. If you don’t eat healthy, no matter what skincare routine you follow, your skin may not look healthy because you don’t take care of yourself internally. To keep your skin healthy, you should limit or avoid foods that are high in sugar, saturated fat, and salt. Instead, focus on eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, and nuts.

Some studies have found that a diet high in refined carbs can decrease nutrition and speed up aging. While the connection between diet and acne isn’t clear, it is found in some research that drinking a lot of milk or eating lots of processed foods can increase blood sugar quickly. However, limited research also found nutrients like fiber and omega-3 fats show promising results in controlling acne, but more studies are needed to be sure.

There are some nutrients are considered important for healthy skin, such as:

  • Vitamin A: It offers growth and maintenance of skin cells and may help in protecting against skin cancer. Vitamin A-rich foods are – beef liver, sweet potato, spinach, carrots, and cantaloupe.
  • Vitamin B2: It helps in maintaining collagen levels in the skin. Vitamin B2-rich foods are – beef liver, fortified breakfast, cereals, dairy, mushrooms, and almonds.
  • Vitamin B6: Its deficiency can cause skin rashes and cracks in the skin especially, around the mouth. Vitamin B6-rich foods are – chickpeas, beef liver, poultry, salmon, fortified breakfast cereals, potatoes, and bananas.
  • Vitamin C: It works as an antioxidant that forms a skin barrier and produces collagen that protects against sun damage and lowers the risk of some skin diseases. It gives you healthy, radiant skin. Vitamin C-rich foods are – oranges, blueberries, papaya, strawberries, kiwi, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, and coconut water.
  • Vitamin D: This helps in wound healing, helps in protecting skin from sun damage, and lowers inflammation. Vitamin D-rich foods are – cod liver oil, seafood, fortified dairy milk and plant milk, and fortified breakfast cereals.
  • Vitamin E: This also works as an antioxidant that helps to protect against sun damage. Vitamin E-rich foods are – wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, almonds, sunflower oil, and peanut butter.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: It may protect you from some skin conditions and protect against sun damage. It is commonly found in flaxseed oil, chia seeds, walnuts, salmon, herring, mackerel, and canola oil.
  • Zinc: It helps to maintain skin integrity and wound healing. It is found in oysters, beef, crab, pork, baked beans, fortified breakfast cereals, pumpkin seeds, and chickpeas.


  1. Skincare:

Many people find it hard to stick with a skincare routine but to achieve healthy-looking, glowing skin, a consistent skincare routine is necessary. Creating a regular skincare routine can help you maintain your skin’s balance and overcome skin issues like dryness, dehydration, or breakouts. Remember that your routine doesn’t need to be complicated to be effective. Even a simple skincare routine can offer amazing skincare results. You just need to stay consistent to notice results over time and let your skin glow naturally.


The simple skincare routine may include:

  • Cleansing: This is used to remove dirt, makeup, and excess oil from the skin. When it comes to choosing a cleanser, you need to look for a gentle, pH-balanced option that doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or soap. Cleansing should be done in the morning after you wake up and before going to sleep or when you’re Use warm water rather than cold or hot when using cleansing products and pat your skin dry with a clean towel.
  • Moisturizing: These can add hydration to your skin which prevents dullness, dry patches, dehydration, and other common issues that make your skin look tired and appear lackluster. Additionally, hydrated skin is also able to protect itself from environmental stressors. To get the best results, the Academy of American Dermatology (AAD) recommends applying moisturizer immediately after cleansing to trap moisture in the skin. People with oily skin may prefer using oil-free moisturizer, while those with dry skin should prefer something heavier that contains oils and butter.
  • Sunlight protection: Generally, sunlight appears harmless, but in reality, sun exposure can lead to many skin problems, like fine lines, wrinkles, sunspots, and dullness. That’s why to maintain glowing skin and protect the skin, you must use sunscreen every day. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), everyone should apply broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 or higher daily. If you stay in sunlight for a long time, you need to reapply sunscreen frequently at least every 2 hours or after sweating or swimming. Apply sunscreen to all exposed areas of your skin like on the face and neck. When the sun’s rays are the strongest, stay in the shade, wear lightweight clothing, and cover your scalp with a hat.


Besides these main skincare routine steps, you can also add additional products to maintain healthy skin, depending on your specific concerns. For example, chemical exfoliants can be used to dissolve the top layer of skin cells and allow new cells to form underneath. People can also use them to improve skin texture and appearance. Apply chemical exfoliants after cleansing for more deep cleansing but before moisturizing to preserve moisture in the skin. This is not always suitable for darker skin tones because it increases the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight. Always wear SPF when using a chemical exfoliant.


  1. Lifestyle tips:

Your lifestyle also impacts your skin health and appearance. It may include:

  • Quitting smoking:

Smoking can cause several skin problems:

  • Premature aging due to the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Slow wound healing.
  • Narrows tiny blood vessels in the skin, which makes your skin duller and depletes oxygen and nutrients from the skin.
  • Skin infections.
  • Some skin disorders include psoriasis and squamous cell skin cancer.


  • Relieving stress:

Stress affects the skin in many ways like it raises inflammation, decreases blood flow, and delays skin healing. That’s why you should focus on managing stress to keep your skin, mind, and body healthy. You can try to:

  • Lower any stressful activities that you don’t need to do like reading unwanted emails.
  • Make time for activities you enjoy or find stress-relieving.
  • Practice yoga, breathing exercises, or mindfulness.
  • Get enough sleep at night.
  • Spend time with loved ones and take time for yourself.


  • Drink enough water and reduce alcohol consumption:

Our bodies need enough water to stay healthy. While there’s limited evidence that shows that drinking more water can improve your skin’s appearance, a 2015 study shows that drinking enough water does improve skin function. In contrast, drinking high amounts of alcohol can worsen skin, and lead to facial redness, flushing, rosacea, psoriasis, dermatitis, and skin infections.


  • Exercising:

A 2015 study found that sedentary older adults who performed aerobic exercise for 3 months noticed significant skin structure improvement. The researchers also suggest regular exercise can improve age-related skin deterioration. Physical activity improves general health, so make sure you aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity like brisk walking, every week. Or aim for 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity every week.


  • Treat your skin gently:

Daily cleansing and shaving can make your skin rough, but these tips can help you keep it gentle. It includes:

  • Limit bath time: Some experts say bathing longer than 5 minutes is not good. And you should use warm water rather than hot water.
  • Don’t use strong soaps: Strong soaps and detergents can remove oil from the skin. So, use mild cleansers instead.
  • Shave carefully: It’s ideal to shave after a bath when your skin is moist. To promote protection, put on shaving cream, lotion, or gel before you start shaving. Use a clean, sharp razor to remove the hair in the direction it grows, not against it. Rinse the razor after each stroke of the blade.


Your skin is the one thing people notice, so it’s your responsibility to take care of it. Follow this ultimate guide to achieve healthy and glowing skin to make your skin look youthful, healthy, and glowing.


If you need more help, visit our dermatology clinic in Brooklyn to get professional help to examine your skin and create customizable skin care plans to keep your skin healthy and glowing. Call us to book your appointment now!!!!

At Doral Health and Wellness Dermatology Center, we have the best dermatologists that can help you take care of your skin. As dermatology experts in East New York, we provide the best services. You can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York to schedule an appointment. You can also call us at 1-347-384-5690 or visit our website at