Effective Stress Relief Techniques: Proven Strategies to Calm Your Mind and Body

With life’s ups and downs, stress becomes a common part of life that we can’t ignore. With the right strategy, we can healthily manage stress. However, no single strategy is effective in managing all types of stress. So, here are some scientifically proven strategies to manage stress for you in this article. Visit the best Mental Health Clinic in Brooklyn at Doral Health & Wellness or log on to www.doralhw.org

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Scientifically proven strategies to handle your stress
Stress is something that everyone experiences in their lives and deals with differently. However, certain scientifically proven strategies are more helpful in handling stress than others, including:

1. Guided imagery:
As the name suggests, you need to create imagery of places, scenes, or experiences that relax your mind and help you focus. It can involve any place or scenery (from mountains to sitting on a beach). Just make sure you choose the imagery that makes you feel happy and has a personal significance. It can also help you reinforce a positive vision of yourself and clear your thoughts about causing stress. However, it can be difficult for people who have intrusive thoughts or find it difficult to come up with mental images.

To practice, close your eyes for a minute and feel that you’re walking through a peaceful scene. Think that you experience all sensory things present at the moment like you’re really there. After a few minutes, open your eyes and notice how calm your mind feels.

2. Organize yourself and take action:
Most people experience stress due to work. Why? Distractions are the most common reasons that people are not able to complete their work on time and experience stress. To avoid distraction, you need to organize yourself first and take action. You need to find the common reasons that make you distracted and take action to remove them so that you can take control of your mind and build focus in your life. This technique applies to your personal and private life. People may struggle at first to apply this technique due to procrastination but once you take solid action and organize yourself you can easily find solutions that cause you stress and solving problems gives you a sense of satisfaction.

3. Give yourself time and space:
Stress occurs from problems that you haven’t found a solution to or take action to complete. To find solutions or take action you need to give yourself time. Giving time allows you to calm your mind and practically look for solutions that help you solve those problems and relieve your stress.

4. Go on a walk:
While exercise is a popular stress reliever, however, if you don’t want to do exercise, a simple short walk easily removes the source of your stress and puts your mind into a different framework which makes you feel relieved. So, if you had an argument with your boss or partner, handled a frustrating task, etc. anything that causes you stress, a simple walk in a park or on your terrace can help you rejuvenate your mind and body.

5. Get a hug from your loved one:
Hugging your loved ones may not seem an effective way to combat stress. However, research shows when we hug people, we love our body releases “oxytocin” also known as the love hormone which is responsible for bonding and making you feel happy. Additionally, it lowers your blood pressure and releases the stress hormone norepinephrine. This means this hormone release can easily calm your mind and relieve stress.
So, don’t be afraid to ask for a hug from your loved one when you need it. It’s good for both of you and one of the easiest and fastest ways to relieve stress.

When to call a doctor?
Normal stress is not dangerous and easily manageable. Whereas chronic or long-term stress is difficult to handle and may affect you in different ways. You should visit a doctor if you notice:

  • Chest pains
  • Lifestyle changes such as changes in your eating or sleeping patterns.
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Depressive feelings
  • Anxiety
  • Shortness of breath
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Decline in performance
  • Relationships deteriorate with loved ones.

Finding the best stress relief strategy for yourself comes from experimenting. Implement the above-mentioned strategies in your routine whenever you feel stressed and see how they help you to relieve stress. However, you should keep looking for tools that help you manage life’s inevitable ups and downs healthily. Managing stress is essential for your overall well-being.

If you need help with your stress problems, visit our mental health clinic in Brooklyn where professionals give time to listen to your concerns and help you find the solution. Call us on +1-347-384-5690 to get a consultation. If you need help learning coping methods, register your information and make direct contact with our doctors and psychiatrists to learn those methods, log on to www.doralhw.org. Visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212.