Psoriasis Awareness
August is National Psoriasis Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness and disseminate useful psoriasis resources. It’s a wonderful way for those affected by psoriasis to have their voices heard.
Using social media, one can either tell or hear about the experiences of others and use digital marketing and graphical illustrations for a better understanding of the disease. This could be done through Instagram, Facebook and other digital platforms to promote awareness. People with psoriasis can support efforts to find a cure by participating in events, volunteering their time, or making financial contributions.
The month of August is designated as Psoriasis Awareness Month. Psoriasis affects roughly 100 million people worldwide, and the purpose of this month is to bring attention to what it’s like to live with psoriasis, to help people learn more about it, and to raise awareness about a condition that affects so many individuals in the world.
What is Psoriasis?
Over a month, most new skin cells form in the dermis and migrate to the epidermis. This happens rapidly in psoriasis, usually within a week. A red, flaky rash results when the skin’s new and old cells become stuck together.
The rash is most common on the face but can appear anywhere on the body. Some people with psoriasis report experiencing itching, burning, or stinging sensations on their skin. The rash is scary and it’s not looking good.
Psoriasis can be misdiagnosed as eczema, so a proper diagnosis is necessary before treatment can begin. Eczema is a very itchy type of allergy and it’s like Psoriasis but one of the differences is the treatment. Eczema is usually treated with steroids while Psoriasis is treated with psoralen pills and phototherapy (UVB light). The doctor will conduct a physical examination and may ask about psoriasis in your immediate family. A dermatologist may take a sample of the affected skin and examine it closely under a microscope.
Your treatment options will be determined by the extent to which your skin is affected and where your rashes appear. Mild psoriasis on the skin may benefit from lotions and creams. UV light can be used in a treatment called phototherapy, which helps reduce swelling and promotes skin healing.
Severe psoriasis that covers a large area may require topical prescription creams or oral medications. Newer medications target cells of the immune system to prevent the overreaction that causes the rash.
Foods that affect psoriasis
Eggs contain arachidonic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid shown to exacerbate psoriasis symptoms. As a result, eggs are not recommended for those suffering from psoriasis. Eggs and red meat are both potential triggers and aggravators of psoriasis symptoms.
Some people with psoriasis may get flare-ups if they drink coffee frequently. People with psoriasis should avoid caffeine.
Psoriasis is a serious disease
Psoriasis is a debilitating disease. Patients should strengthen their immune systems and increase the level of cells that fight infections and bacteria in the wound to prevent further complications. Patients with psoriasis should consume foods high in antioxidants. Antioxidants can benefit from vitamin C, and they can be found in a variety of foods, such as seeds, microgreens, and fresh fruits.
The skin on your body can come off in large sheets of layers such as the epidermis, dermis, and endodermis. It aches and sometimes it’s dangerous if the wound is infected and necessitates immediate medical attention. A different type of psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, can be an emergency as well.
What effects does psoriasis have on the heart?
Cholesterol levels can be affected by several psoriasis therapies. A heart attack is more likely if the arteries are hardened as a result.
How to Manage Psoriasis
- Use the following self-care protocols to prevent the relapse of psoriasis
- Keep your skin hydrated and moisturized
- Keep the daily baths as routine for self-care
- Avoid psoriasis triggers such as stress and an inactive lifestyle
- Cover the areas that are possible for infections to prevent the wounds from bacteria
- Give your skin a small amount of sunlight
- Do not scrape the scaly wounds
- Don’t worry too much and try to live a healthy way of life through exercise and diet
What can I do to improve the function of my immune system and make it easier for me to fight the psoriasis that I have?
Consume foods and beverages high in antioxidants daily.
Psoriasis has been linked to a lack of antioxidant activity. There are a number of foods that include antioxidants such as nuts, seeds, microgreens, or sprouts that have been developed from seeds, and fresh fruits that contain these nutrients.
Psoriasis is rare but serious disease
Big, red layers of skin could fall off your body. It stings and itches. It can be deadly and requires immediate medical attention. In some cases, a form of pustular psoriasis can be life-threatening.
Psoriasis is a type of disease that commonly occurs with genetic predisposition and debilitating extensive maintenance of the condition. At Doral Health and Wellness, Dermatologists, Allergologists, and immunologists specialize in the healing of scaly wounds. They can prevent infections, bacteria, and further complications of the skin. At Doral Health and Wellness, we have doctors that can help you manage your condition. For more information, you can visit us at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, 11212, or call us at 1-347-384-5690. You can also visit our website at or contact us at if you have any queries.