Recognizing Signs of Pediatric Emergencies: A Guide for Parents

As a parent or caregiver, are you aware of the signs when you should seek pediatric care at a hospital? Many problems are so severe for children that they can be life-threatening if immediate medical attention is not given. Learn the top 7 pediatric emergencies and the signs you need to know in this article. Log on to for a consultation.



Top 7 pediatric emergencies and their signs

Here are the top 7 pediatric emergencies that required medical attention and their signs, including:

  1. Respiratory distress – Difficulty breathing:

If your child runs a high fever or has a chronic illness involving the lungs, difficulty breathing is a common symptom. Common childhood illnesses that cause respiratory distress are:

  • Asthma
  • Croup
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Seizures

Other signs of respiratory distress include:

  • Rapid or labored breathing
  • Nasal flaring
  • Straining the abdominal or neck muscles to try to breathe.
  • Grunting, wheezing, and other abnormal breath
  • Lethargy or irritability
  • Wheezing (high-pitched sound while breathing)
  • Flaring nostrils
  • Bluish discoloration of lips, face, or extremities
  • Retractions

Any type of breathing trouble in a child needs emergency medical attention and if your child is not breathing, call 911.

  1. Trauma:

Trauma means injury from a serious accident like being hit by a car, bike, or playground accident that causes serious injury that requires emergency medical attention. Trauma is one of the common reasons for an emergency room visit, especially if it’s severe. It can include:

  • Severe burns or falls
  • Deep cuts
  • Sprained or broken bones
  • Concussions or head injuries that cause symptoms such as severe headache, loss of consciousness, vomiting, behavior changes, unequal pupil size, or one pupil that doesn’t react to light.
  1. Digestive issues:

Many things can lead to digestive problems in infants and children. For instance, viral, bacterial, or fungal infections can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain. It may also occur due to undiagnosed food allergy or sensitivity. Another cause of digestive issues is intestinal obstruction, which occurs when something gets blocked in the intestines, and the body is not able to continue digesting or getting rid of the waste.

  1. Choking:

It is a frightening common emergency condition that occurs when a child swallows something they shouldn’t or doesn’t chew well which leads to food getting stuck in the food pipe. Your child may show choking signs like:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Unable to speak, cough, or breathe
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing sound
  • Face turning blue due to lack of oxygen
  • Clutching the throat or neck.

If your child is coughing, encourage them to keep coughing forcefully to clear the blockage. For infants, use back blows and chest thrusts, if you know how to perform them, otherwise call 911 or visit the emergency room. If you are not sure whether the obstruction will be cleared or not, call for emergency services.

  1. Fever seizures:

It is also known as febrile seizures, which occur in 2 to 5% of children under 5. This causes sudden high fever in children and is accompanied by seizures which are not usually harmful. It can cause signs, such as:

  • Shaking
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Eyes rolling back

If your child experiences a febrile seizure stay calm and place them on a soft surface to protect them from injury until the seizure is over. If the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes or it is the first seizure, call 911 or visit the emergency room for immediate medical attention.

  1. Allergic reactions:

Allergic reactions can cause mild to life-threatening symptoms. It can include:

  • Hives
  • Rashes
  • Swelling of the face, lips, or tongue
  • Rapid or weak pulse
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Redness
  • Pain or itchiness
  • Small fluid-filled bumps on the skin

In severe cases, a child may experience anaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction that puts the body into shock), requiring immediate medical attention. If your child is allergic, make sure you carry an emergency auto-injector medicine and know how to use it. Administer the injectors if you notice the signs of anaphylaxis mentioned above or call 911 or seek emergency assistance right away.

  1. High fever:

If your child, especially younger ones, has a high fever with a stiff neck and headache, then you should visit the emergency room. High fever can also cause convulsions or seizures. That’s why it needs early medical attention.


Recognizing these signs of pediatric emergencies helps you prevent severe complications in your child and keep them safe. Whenever you notice any of these signs, call 911 or take your child to the nearest emergency room for immediate medical attention.


If you need help for your child, visit our pediatric clinic for child emergencies and other common health conditions. Call us to book your appointment now!!!

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