Strabismus is a condition where your eyes do not line up with each other. Most of the time, one of your eyes can turn in a different direction from the other eye. Under normal circumstances, you have six muscles that control your eye movement, they work together to make your eyes point in the same direction.
Doral Health and Wellness Ophthalmology Center have the best eye doctor in Brooklyn that can help you deal with any eye condition. To know more about the different eye conditions, their symptoms, causes, and treatments, contact us at Doral Health and Wellness Ophthalmology Center.
The primary sign of strabismus is the misalignment of your eyes, where one eye will turn in, out, up or down. Some of the signs and symptoms of strabismus can include:
- Your eyes do not move together
- Tilting your head when you look at things
- You blink frequently, especially in bright sunlight
- You frequently squint
- You have double vision
- You have faulty depth perception
Strabismus occurs when there are neurological disorders or anatomical problems in the neuromuscular control of your eye movement. Or it can also be because you have a problem with your actual eye muscle. This condition can also be inherited if you have a family member that has the same problem. There are also other conditions that are associated with strabismus and they include:
- Uncorrected refractive errors
- Cerebral palsy
- Down syndrome
- Hydrocephalus
- Stroke
- Brain tumors
- Head injuries
- Neurological problems
- Grave’s disease
Anyone who appears to have the signs and symptoms of having strabismus that are older than 6 months old should visit an ophthalmologist and schedule an eye exam, these exam should include:
- Patient history – to determine the symptoms the patient is having, including other general health problems and other possible causes of your symptoms
- Visual acuity – this includes having your eyes checked for any other visual behavior
- Refraction – to check how your eyes focus light
- Alignment and focus tests
- Examination after dilation of your pupils
Treatment for strabismus can include some of the following:
- Eyeglasses or contact lenses – these are used if you have uncorrected refractive errors. With these methods, your eyes will need less focusing effort
- Prism lenses – these are special lenses that can bend the light that enters your eyes
- Orthoptics – these are eye exercises that can help with some types of strabismus
- Medications – these can be in form of eye drops or ointments, that will help in weakening your overactive eye muscle
- Patching – this can help improve your eye’s misalignment
- Eye muscle surgery – the surgery will help with the length or position of your eye muscles so your eyes can align correctly
Many believe that strabismus can get better on its own. Although this can sometimes be true, uncorrected or untreated strabismus can get worse if left untreated.
Taking care of your eye health is very important. Our team at the ophthalmology department can assist you with your condition. You can visit Doral Health and Wellness Ophthalmology Center at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11212, visit our website at, or call 1-347-384-5690 to schedule an appointment.