Symptoms of diabetes in men

Are you aware of the symptoms of diabetes that show up in men? If you don’t know, 5 unique warning signs happen to men that indicate diabetes.

As you know, diabetes is a chronic disease that can happen to anyone. Diabetes is the 6th deadliest disease in the world. In this disease, your pancreas is either not able to produce enough insulin in the body or produces defective insulin in the body. Insulin is a hormone that manages blood sugar levels in the body, because of faulty insulin the blood sugar levels go up. Diabetes symptoms are important to note to prevent serious health complications like vision loss, cardiovascular diseases, kidney problems, blood vessel damage, etc. Noticing the symptoms early also prevents diabetes from happening too. Log on to for a consultation.



5 Signs and symptoms of diabetes in men

These are the 5 signs and symptoms that men develop due to diabetes:

  1. Erectile dysfunction (ED):

Erectile dysfunction is an important sign that indicates diabetes in men. The inability of achieving an erection or not being able to maintain it is found in 75% of men with diabetes. This happens due to nerve or blood vessel damage due to diabetes.

Erectile dysfunction is related to other health issues such as high blood pressure, kidney disease, and circulatory or nerve damage due to neurological conditions. But the probability of getting this symptom is highest in diabetes.

  1. Genital thrush:

This symptom is a yeast infection that occurs in men due to diabetes. Raised sugar levels in the blood cause more urination and excess sugar thrives yeast, which is more likely to grow on the penis causing these symptoms:

  • Redness, swelling, and something itching at the tip of the penis.
  • The lumpy and white skin on the penis.
  • Soreness during sex.
  • An unpleasant odor around the penis.


  1. Damage to the autonomic nervous system (ANS):

This is yet another condition that happens to diabetes. The autonomic nervous system manages to widen and compress the blood vessels in the body to maintain many functions. Diabetes raises blood sugar levels in the body which damages the blood vessels which directly damages the autonomic nervous system.

A damaged autonomic nervous system is not able to manage its function of widening and compression of blood vessels resulting in many other dysfunctions which also lead to erectile dysfunction.

  1. Urological issues:

These issues happen when diabetes causes nerve damage to the nerve which controls urinary tract functions. You can develop symptoms like an inability to manage urination, have an overactive bladder, or develop urinary tract infections (UTIs).

  1. Reduction in strength and muscle loss:

This is the most notable sign that indicates diabetes in men. While it is more common with type 1 diabetes but people with type 2 diabetes also develop this sign if their diabetes goes undiagnosed for a long time. Reduction in strength and muscle loss happens when blood sugar levels stay raised in the body for quite a while which makes it hard for the body to make energy from blood sugar. As a result, the body starts breaking fat off the muscles to produce energy which leads to muscle loss and strength reduction. It is also a reason for sudden weight loss in men.

While diabetes can happen to anyone at any age. These are the symptoms of diabetes that happen in men that indicate diabetes in them. Noticing the symptoms and visiting the doctor for treatment can help you to maintain your diabetes and prevent its complications.

Want to know the diagnostic tests for diabetes?

If you want to know more, you can talk to our endocrinologists for advice and/or a second opinion. To learn more about diabetes and its management visit our Endocrinology page. You can also visit our website at if you have any queries. Call us on +1-347-384-5690 to get answers to your queries or pay us a visit at 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11212. And if you have diabetes or have its symptoms, come to us for diagnosis and treatment, we have the best endocrinologists and diabetes specialists to help you throughout the process.

What else do you need? Visit us for your treatment.