Types of Heart Disease and Their Symptoms 


Numerous cardiac conditions exist, each with its own unique set of signs and symptoms and therapeutic approach. Alterations in lifestyle and medical treatment can have profound effects on people’s health. Surgery is sometimes the only option for those who have heart problems and want to get back to full health. Learn about the different kinds of heart disease, how to recognize the warning signs, and the various approaches to treating and preventing them. Schedule an appointment with Best Cardiologist Brooklyn if you’re experiencing cardiac issues. Your Cardiologist Brooklyn may order an EKG and other tests to determine the origin of your problems. 

Insufficiency of Heart Function 

Once the heart stops working, it cannot supply the body with the blood it needs. Despite the fact that coronary heart disease is the leading cause, hyperthyroidism, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, and other disorders can also lead to heart failure.  

An irregular heartbeat 

An arrhythmia is characterized by a pattern of abnormal heartbeats. Serious arrhythmias might be a symptom of another heart condition or they can occur on their own. 

The Problem with Your Heart’s Valves 

Each of your heart’s chambers, as well as the lungs and blood vessels, are connected by valves, which open and shut to regulate blood flow. A dysfunctional valve may have trouble opening and closing normally. When that occurs, blood flow may be restricted or blood may spill out. It’s possible your valve isn’t fully opening and closing. 

Heart valve diseases include: 

  • Endocarditis. Pre and post-illness, operation, or the administration of IV drugs, bacteria can enter the bloodstream and gain a foothold in the heart. If you currently experience problems with your valves, this is a common complication. Although antibiotics are often effective in curing the condition, untreated cases can be fatal. Endocarditis can cause significant damage to heart valves, which could necessitate valve replacement surgery. 
  • Cardiomyopathy caused by rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever causes this illness by damaging heart muscles and valves. Earlier in the 20th century, rheumatic heart disease was prevalent. However, doctors can now avoid it by treating the underlying disorders with antibiotics. In most cases, symptoms won’t appear until years after the initial infection.


It is a sickness that damages the cardiac muscle tissue. It can be elongated, thick, or rigid. When your heart weakens, it can’t pump blood effectively. 

Heart abnormalities passed down through generations, responses to medications or poisons (like alcohol), and viral infections are all potential triggers for this illness. Cardiomyopathy can be a side effect of chemotherapy. In many cases, medical professionals are at a loss for an explanation. 

Malformations of the heart present at birth 

When the heart doesn’t develop normally in utero, the result is congenital heart disease. Some people have signs of heart defects shortly after birth, while others don’t notice anything wrong until they are adults. 

Among the most prevalent kinds of congenital cardiac defects, septal abnormalities are frequently found. These are the openings in your heart’s wall that allow blood to flow freely between your left and right chambers. There is a solution available to close the gap. 

Pulmonary stenosis is another problem that can occur. When a valve is narrow, less blood can pass through to reach the lungs. The valve can be operated on to expand its opening or replaced surgically. 

The ductus arteriosus is a tiny blood vessel that doesn’t completely seal in all newborns. Some of the circulatory system’s blood returns into pulmonary circulation when this occurs, putting extra pressure on the heart. Surgery, other procedures, or medicines may be used to treat this condition by medical professionals. 

The Cardiologists at Doral Health & Wellness have an excellent reputation among their patients for both compassion and competence. Heart Specialist Brooklyn is able to deliver accurate diagnoses, take detailed patient histories, and provide individualized treatment programs for each of his patients because of his vast training and experience. All members of the family are welcome to participate in the diagnostic and treatment processes by asking questions and voicing concerns at any time. Doral Health & Wellness is a healthcare facility in Brooklyn, New York, offering comprehensive medical, surgical, and cardiovascular care to anyone who needs it. Call 1-347-384-5690 to arrange a meeting.