Understanding Girdle Pelvic Pain: Causes and Symptoms

Girdle pelvic pain, often referred to as pelvic girdle pain (PGP), is a type of discomfort or pain that occurs in your pelvic region. It typically involves the joints and ligaments that make up the pelvic girdle, including your sacroiliac joints, symphysis pubis, and the surrounding muscles and tissues.

If you are looking for the best gynecologist in the Brooklyn area, for your pelvic pain, then you should visit Doral Health and Wellness – Women’s Health Center. You can talk to our Gyn specialist and discuss your condition with us.


Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) manifests through various symptoms, primarily affecting your pelvic region. Common symptoms include:

  • Pain in the pelvic area – This can be felt around your pubic bone (symphysis pubis) or your lower back near the sacroiliac joints.
  • Radiating pain – Discomfort may extend to your hips, thighs, groin, or buttocks.
  • Pain during movement – Activities such as walking, standing on one leg, climbing stairs, turning in bed, or getting in and out of a car can worsen your pain.
  • Difficulty with mobility – Some individuals may experience difficulty in walking or moving around due to the pain.
  • Clicking or grinding sensations – Some people report feeling or hearing a clicking, grinding, or snapping sensation in the pelvic area.
  • Pain in the buttocks – Discomfort can also be felt in your buttocks, which might be mistaken for sciatica.
  • Tenderness – Your pelvic region, particularly around your pubic bone or sacroiliac joints, may be tender to the touch.
  • Increased pain with weight-bearing activities – Activities that involve lifting, carrying, or bearing weight may increase the pain.
  • Pain during specific movements – Pain can intensify during activities that involve spreading your legs apart, such as getting out of a car or rolling over in bed.
  • Reduced range of motion – Limited movement in your hips or lower back can occur due to the pain and stiffness.

The severity and nature of these symptoms can vary widely among individuals. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical advice for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management plan.


Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) can arise from a variety of causes, often related to the structures and functions of the pelvic region. Common causes include:

  • Pregnancy – PGP is common during pregnancy due to hormonal changes that relax the ligaments and joints in preparation for childbirth, leading to pelvic instability. The added weight and altered posture during pregnancy can also contribute in developing this condition.
  • Joint dysfunction – Misalignment or abnormal movement in your pelvic joints, such as the sacroiliac joints or the symphysis pubis, can cause pain. This may result from trauma, repetitive stress, or mechanical issues.
  • Muscle imbalances – Weakness, tightness, or imbalances in the muscles surrounding your pelvis, such as the hip flexors, glutes, and lower back muscles, can lead to PGP. This can result from poor posture, overuse, or lack of exercise.
  • Injury or trauma – Direct injury to your pelvic region, such as falls, accidents, or sports injuries, can damage your joints, ligaments, or muscles, leading to PGP.
  • Inflammation – Inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis or sacroiliitis, can affect your pelvic joints, causing pain and discomfort.
  • Postural strain – Poor posture, prolonged sitting or standing, and improper lifting techniques can put strain on your pelvic region, leading to PGP.
  • Previous pelvic surgery – Surgical procedures involving the pelvis, such as hysterectomy or hip replacement, can sometimes lead to PGP due to changes in the pelvic structure or nerve damage.
  • Underlying medical conditions – Certain medical conditions, such as scoliosis or leg length discrepancy, can alter the mechanics of your pelvis, contributing to PGP.
  • Repetitive activities – Engaging in repetitive activities that put stress on your pelvic region, such as certain sports or occupational tasks, can lead to PGP over time.

It’s important for individuals experiencing PGP to seek medical evaluation to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment. Your medical provider can help develop a personalized management plan to address the specific factors contributing to your pain.

Remember, your medical provider can help you get the care you need. If you are looking for a gynecologist that you can trust, you can book your appointment at Doral Health and Wellness – Women’s Health Center. At Doral Health and Wellness – Women’s Health Center, we provide women with quality health care services. Our specialists aim to deliver the highest quality of healthcare. We work with our patients in diagnosing and formulating treatment plans for their condition. To book an appointment, you can visit us 1797 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11212 or call us at 1-347-955-3465. You can also visit our website at http://www.gynecologistbrooklyn.com/