Lepromin skin test
Do you know about the lepromin skin test? It is a test that is used to check what type of leprosy you have.
Leprosy is a chronic infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae. It can transmit through mucus or the nose, eyes, and mouth of an infected person. Its symptoms take more than a year to appear. If not treated early, this disease can lead to paralysis, blindness, and crippling. So, if you think you might have contracted leprosy you should have this test to confirm whether you are infected or not. Log on to www.doralhw.org for a consultation.
Learn about the procedure of the lepromin skin test in this article.
During the procedure, your healthcare professional will inject a small sample of inactivated leprosy-causing bacteria (which cannot cause infection) under your skin, usually in the forearm. A small lump will occur at the injection site which indicates the correct number of bacteria has been injected at the correct depth so that the test can be effective.
The injection site needs to be examined for 3 days to see if you had any reaction to the bacterium. If not, then you need to examine it again in 28 days (about 4 weeks) to see if there’s a reaction. If any specific reactions happen it means you have a certain type of Hansen’s disease.
How to prepare for the test?
Normally, you don’t need any preparation for this test. However, if you have skin irritation or a skin disorder such as dermatitis, then you should take this injection on the part of the skin which isn’t affected. You can experience skin redness or irritation due to an unrelated skin disorder which can also put a false impact on the test results. That’s why you should perform the test on the unaffected area to get an accurate result.
If your child has to take the test, it may be helpful if you explain how the test will feel and do it by demonstrating it on a toy. Explain the reason he/she needs to take the test; this can reduce their anxiety towards the test.
Your result depends on changes in the skin where you get the injection. If you have redness, swelling, or any other skin changes that means you are positive with either tuberculoid or borderline tuberculoid leprosy.
If your skin doesn’t get any reaction at the injection site, then you do not have leprosy. However, if you have a particular type of leprosy, called lepromatous leprosy, then you may not have any skin reaction to the antigen.
A small number of risks are involved with this test. You may feel a slight burning or stinging sensation. You also feel itchy after the injection.
In exceedingly rare cases, an allergic reaction may happen after the injection and cause symptoms like shortness of breath and itching. Hives can also occur, which is rare. But if you experience these symptoms, talk to your doctor to ensure whether the reaction is serious or not.
What to do if the test is positive?
If your lepromin skin test comes positive, then the doctor orders a biopsy test to confirm your condition. If it comes positive, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics medications such as rifampin or clofazimine. You need to take these months or even years to treat your condition.
The Lepromin test is used to check whether you have been infected with any type of leprosy. Leprosy is a chronic disease that is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae. Its symptoms usually don’t appear early, it can take more than a year to show. It usually affects your skin, nerves, eyes, and upper respiratory tract. You can cure this disease by taking early diagnosis and treatment. However, without prompt treatment, it can lead to paralysis, blindness, or crippling of hands and feet. That’s why, if your doctor recommends you or you think you may contract leprosy, you should take this test.
Need to know what tests are recommended to check leprosy? Our infectious disease doctors make sure your condition gets diagnosed and treated properly. So that you can get better as soon as possible. For more information or to make an appointment, call us to get a consultation. Call us on +1-347-384-5690. If you need any information on infections, log on to www.doralhw.org get a consultation. We have the best doctors that can help you and improve your quality of life!